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a/n: reliving this while writing asf!

all usual tw's +vomitting. be careful!

still hand in hand, the two push their way though an unoccupied bedroom door. a master suite, and although they don't know whose house this is, they can confirm it's definitely a nice one. someone who came from loving parents and a good, wealthy home. someone who was raised never having to worry about the food on the table or whether or not they'd be on their own for a while.

it must be nice to grow up that way.

high ceilings that neither of them pays much attention to, stupid pottery barn signs on the wall that say phrases like 'this is us' in curly q fonts and white lettering. a large bed in the center of the room with cream colored sheets and white throw pillows, accompanied by a few stray cups and ransacked drawers that someone from downstairs had inevitably already raided for cash.

hey, if you're going to throw a party in a rich neighborhood and invite a bunch of kids who have never known anything but poverty, then it's almost your fault if you get stolen from.

the door clicks shut and dream instantly pulls a smiling george closer to him by the tips of their interlaced fingers. despite what plans they had for what to do in the room, they still looked at each other with a fond innocence in their eyes. young and in love, where there was nothing but promise held between them.

dream smiles down at the other and presses a small kiss to the top of his nose, both of them giggling at how overly adoring they were being with each other. then it's a kiss to the cheek, to the forehead, to the lips.

each time pulling away entirely and leaving the other yearning for more. it's a game of cat and mouse as to who would take the bait and go running after the other. who wants it more?

and so george takes the first step of releasing their hands, instead bringing one to the side of dream's face and crashing their lips together. it doesn't slow down once they finally meet. like raindrops that had been collecting on a car's window sill once they'd taken enough of the pattering. it's falling and dragging more water down with it as it does, for it refuses to slip away all alone.

their tongues collide as george's back hits the wall, tampering closely with their seal of fate. they could stop now and not go any further than they have before. they could play it safe and realize that their first time together shouldn't be in a stranger's bedroom at a party, they could back out and say it's moving too fast, they could stay as friends.

a multitude of possibilities, really, but they won't redirect their course. this path was chosen, and once given a preview of what it could lead to, they won't stop.

george's wrists pinned above his head, shackled together by only dream's single hand that could stretch far enough to hold them still. the sheer passion of their collision with the wall initiates the domino collateral damage of a few miscellaneous items shifting in their spots around the room, but in cahoots with the base booming just down the hall, neither's attention was deterred in the slightest.

it would appear that neither one of their minds were occupied with decorum or propriety anymore, as they practically devoured one another, muting each other's self-satisfied hums viciously. only method of silencing being their lips that left no room to breathe.

the brunet dares to wrap his leg around the back of dream as high as it would go until finding a resting position, one that wouldn't shift and could anchor his balance wholeheartedly into the other's responsibilities.

his hips drift away from the wall, dreams unoccupied hand squeezing his thigh into place against his own and forcing george almost underneath him even while standing. it makes george squeamish in a way, like he could have been dangling over the edge of a ten story building and it would've felt just the same. he had nothing to keep him from falling back other than the his one standing leg, and dream's firm holding of his limbs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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