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they say that it's never good to grow too comfortable. maybe because it's unhealthy to rely on any one thing too much, or maybe because it could mean you're settling. whether it's settling for less than you deserve or for something astonishingly worthwhile- humans shy away from it. settling is scary and terrifying because it means we've grown used to a familiarity- and the thought of losing that is enough to keep us away. we're all too scared that it'll inevitably get screwed up and be gone. we've learned it's patterns, quirks, and routines and so it's predictable. but what about when that familiarity grows tiring and it's patterns suddenly seem boring? what if it loses its charm? or what if the unexpectedly expected happens, and one day... that familiarity that you've grown so comfortable with just disappears? what are we left with?

"this is starting to become our thing isn't it?"

"hm?" umber eyes rid themselves of early morning static and dissolve into a curly head of warm blonde that greets his wakefulness.

a hearty, tired chuckle reverberates out from the body below. "waking up together like this", he clarifies.

george notes the position they're in and recognizes its familiarity. he's found himself in nearly this exact spot multiple times now, and he couldn't complain about it. it had become sort of an undermined habit that subconsciously willed itself into existence. waking up tangled in someone else's limbs other than your own- other than cold, uninviting, worn linen bedsheets or startling, pretentious wood flooring that shocks your body into starting the day. instead, he'd grown used to basking in infamous morning grogginess with another. and admittedly it wasn't something he wanted to give up.

"yeah i guess it is," he affirms, reaching forward to graciously tuck a fallen twisted golden lock behind dream's ear. "but i'm not mad about it."

dream smiles and takes george's small free hand into his own, resting it on where their heartbeats synchronize and steady breaths intermingle. the two study each other's faces like they could get lost in them forever. like each was an exquisitely sculpted piece of art in a fated museum. it'd be the type of exhibit that people all over the world flock to simply to experience its beauty up close because it truly is like no other. they'd look through transparent glass showcases in awe, wishing they could just reach out and grasp the thing that has them so captivated. but they can't- it's always just out of civilian boundaries.

george and dream though, their art was entirely obtainable and within reach. so close that each tastefully crafted feature could be admired tenfold. and that fact was not something either of them was taking for granted. so they relished in moments like these where they get the blessing of staring into each other's eyes like it's their last time, simply because they can do it- not that there's anything particularly interesting or out of the ordinary about plain brown eyes or the standard blonde hair, but neither one of them can ever get over any of it, no matter how mundane and normal.

"you'd look really good with eyeliner", george blurts, disrupting the peaceful and silent stare down they had going on.

dream's face contorts as he scrunches up bemused brows. "here i thought we were having a moment, but no, you we're actually finding ways to cover up my face," he snorts, obviously teasing and not actually offended at all. george dips his head in irritation as dream persists to daringly step on george's toes (figuratively) until he snaps.

"what, am i just that ugly to you?" dream pouts pitifully. the little arrogant act earns him a piercing death glare and an undignified scoff.

"god, you know it's not like that," george gives in, playing in to the staged roleplay just a bit because he knows it will shut dream up. he's probably expected to stutter out incoherent, flustered explanations that reveal far too much of his true feelings, but he understands dream's games well enough to know that that's exactly what the man would want. "you're actually annoyingly perfect in every way. like utterly flawless... that includes your face", george carries on wistfully without hesitation.

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