risk & reward

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tw:// depictions of blood, brief weight talk

"george!", a panicked, giggling voice shouted.

the brunet's body was currently speeding down the road on top of a busted up skateboard, arms flailing, unable to control his direction. he started screaming for dream to come to his rescue as he wobbled back and forth from the sheer speed the board was moving at.

one tiny pebble and his life would be over with. he'd only just learned how to do some basic cruising on the board as dream taught him how to wiggle around in little circles in a back alleyway. unfortunately, and due to their lack of planning ahead, the alleyway led out to a main street that just so happened to be a steep, roughly paved hill full of gravelly rocks and unsteady cracks.

he was now hurdling down a line towards the end of the hill that would go directly into a four way intersection of oncoming traffic- one that undoubtedly wouldn't wait for a scrawny, degenerate skateboarder to pass by.

"how the fuck do i stop?!", george shrieked. dream was doing his best to sprint down the hill without falling himself, but knew it was pointless as he looked up and noticed how distant the voice was.

he cupped his hands over his mouth, using all his strength to yell out, "roll into the grass!"

there was a short grass median strip on the side of the road, but you'd have to be pretty skilled to be able to pull off a safe landing on it- especially considering that the concrete sidewalk was just beyond it.

regardless, it was either that or watch his friend get crushed to smithereens by a careless stranger; an unappealing situation he didn't want to become a bystander to.

george collected himself and glanced up nervously to the sidewalk, leaning his body towards it to the best of his disheveled abilities. he clenched his fists at his sides, terrifyingly muttering a series of, "shit, shit, shit!", as he propelled his body off of the moving board and hurdled into the grass.

the landing was less than graceful, as the momentum of his body kept him rolling forwards until he painfully skidded across the sidewalk.

a few oblivious teenage girls let out obnoxious high-pitched shrieks as they jumped around the startling intrusion. the screams caused george to groan and plug his sensitively ringing ears as he crumpled up on his side.

dream watched the scene unfold from afar, wincing and sucking in a harsh breath as he heard the commotion and crash-landing from almost 30 feet away. he got over himself and his uneasy guts for gore quickly though, as he ran over to the other to inspect the damage.

george heard the loud stomping of rushed feet coming closer and a presence at his side as he opened his eyes. the blonde was panting heavily, kneeled at his side with a cautious arm on the brunet's shoulder, appearing like he'd just witnessed a murder.

"holy shit are you okay?! sorry, that's dumb, you're obviously not. i'm so sorry george, like really i am. i know how much falling off hurts. d- do you need to go to the emergency room? anything broken? water?", he rambled out nervously.

as much as george was in pain, the concerned, overprotective nature of the blonde did make him chuckle a bit, causing him to clutch at his rib cage and mutter a pitiful "oww," through laughter.

"i'm fine dream, but naturally it FUCKING HURT!", he groaned, now pulling his arms away from his protected head and starting to sit up.

the blonde backed up while still holding his arms out to ensure the collateral damage wasn't too threatening. george batted away the blonde's useless hands as he stood up, uncomfortably straightening out his hunched over body. unknowingly, during his little routine of cracking his bones and stretching his sore muscles, he was emitting a few suspiciously erotic noises.

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