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tw:// smokin doobies

long chapter to make up for missing two days. im sorry!!!!!!

george arrived at 'the spot' with his hands in his pockets as he moseyed around the grass. he saw through the small cubic windows in the garage doors that there were white fluorescent lights on inside. with a clear of his throat, he raised an anticipating fist up to the metal door and knocked three times.

there was a loud thump followed by a yelp and string of curses, which the brunet confusingly laughed at. it helped to push away any of his last second growing nerves, reminding him that it was only dream. he could trust dream.

the wide barrier of metal groaned open with creaky machine whirring as the two boy's feet appeared out from under it.

george had been studying the blonde's ratty sneakers that he was always seen wearing. they were ripped black converse with colorful beads strung through the laces, some for pizazz purposes and some that spelled out various little words. on the stained, once white caps of the sneakers there were a series of faded marker doodles that seemed to have bled together over the years. there were various smiley faces, flowers, squiggles, and cartoon characters all throughout which george thought fit the beholder perfectly. 'cute'

his intent studying of the sneakers was cut off by a blonde head of hair poking out from under the slowly rising door. his wavy locks fell messily over his ears as he greeted george with a dopey grin and a bright, "hi!"

the brunet smiled back and shimmied under the door having grown impatient of waiting. he straightened up promptly and returned the smile back to dream, of course having to look up a bit since their height difference was all the more obvious in close proximity.

george watched as the blonde's eyes trailed down to his neck distractedly, clearly trying his hardest not to look and remain respectful, but ultimately failing. for a moment the brunet was offended and awestruck that someone could be so outwardly horny, but then he realized that a girl he didn't even remember the name of had been kissing up on his neck the previous night.

his eyes went wide and his hand shot up to cover the affected area with an embarrassed flush.

"sorry," he gritted awkwardly through his teeth.

why was he apologizing? well for one, he didn't want to give off the impression that he was a slutty homewrecker (at least not to someone he was trying to stay in the good books of), and also because he felt a twinge of guilt. he wasn't sure why, but something in him made it feel like he'd just cheated on a significant other, despite the fact that he wasn't with anyone.

besides, it wasn't like there were any feelings involved towards the girl. it truly didn't mean anything at all, but maybe that almost made it worse in a way. he looks as if he'd just gotten some last night and now moved on to dream for his next fling, which wasn't at all his intentions.

"i'm not with anyone! i didn't even know her, i swear. she wasn't my type either since i don't really swing that way," he spewed out as a stuttering mess with his voice gradually trailing off as he realized he'd just overshared way too much information. "but yeah..." his voice now nothing more than a feeble squeak as he scratched at the back of his neck.

to his surprise, dream looked up from the discolored neck and amusingly smirked with raised brows. a silent question of, "you done?", to which george forced out a laugh and nodded.

and although george didn't know it from the nonchalant reaction, dream's heart had soared at the way the brunet clearly wanted to please him and was truly apologetic for his entirely normal teenager doings. of course it was a bit shocking to see that george had shamelessly falunted his hickeys around, but after that reaction he was confident that it wasn't intentional. not to mention, he heard the line about "not really swinging that way" in george's accidental admissions, but he wouldn't let on to that.

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