expected calamity

646 18 33

tw:// some derealization, discussion of suicide

murphy's law: the principle of ideas that anything and everything can and will go wrong.

sometimes george felt like his life was just one big walking scheme of murphy's law. like there was some higher power up above him, pulling each of his limbs every which way on a string, or some centripeta, mind altering force that (for example) always rigged all the stop lights to turn red just before he pulled up to them. it'd sort of been like that his whole life, or at least for as long as he could remember. whenever one thing goes wrong, it's best to prepare yourself for even worse to come.

so george awoke that morning regrettably in his own house where he very much did not want to be. at some point during his one hour of poor quality sleep his pillow had apparently fallen to the floor; leaving him with not only a pillowcase covered in gray cat hair, but also a sore neck. he rubbed miserably at his bleary eyes, aimlessly flailing his limp wrist around in the air until it miraculously landed on a cracked phone screen and was able to silence the obnoxious, repetitive blaring.

funnily enough, a couple months ago he'd found a way to set up his phone alarm to where rather than playing that generic buzzer noise, it'd instead play a song of his choice. see at the time, he thought it was genius. arguably songs are less annoying than classic iphone ringtones, but that rule of thumb sort of flies out the window when you create a monstrosity even more irritating. to be specific, every school morning george's ears are graced with the sweet serenading of nelly, singing the chorus to 'hot in here'.

don't get it twisted, r&b is amazing in doses, but waking up to the same few lines every day at 6 am telling him to take his clothes off- well maybe his growing hatred could be understood. unfortunately though, he was stuck with it because the illegal free download he did to even set a new ringtone bugged out the entire mainframe, and now it's irreversible.

so just for kicks and an extra needed pick me up, that morning george got ready into his minimal effort outfit while jamming out to a shuffled spotify playlist. quite frankly, the music was the only thing stopping him from collapsing onto the floor and sleeping for the rest of eternity. his lack of sleep and self care always seemed to accumulate together in organized attacks against him to inflict the utmost effective damage onto his wellbeing.

george stood at the bathroom sink with his arm yanking tiredly back and forth. his lidded umber eyes sunk lower by the second, and as did his elbow until it dully rested on the counter's edge. he wiped at his mouth and didn't bother to spare his reflection a passing glance, already knowing well enough that he looked like utter shit and would only be disappointed in what he saw staring back at him.

he pulled on some tattered up white sneakers and bounded down the steps, only hoping and praying that his dad wouldn't somehow be sitting in high alert on the couch in waiting for him. much to his relief, but also a buried stab of disappointment, there was nobody sitting there. in fact, not a single soul could be found in the house other than his cat prowling across the countertops curiously.

he figured he was already going to be late, so decidedly took a brief second to scour the fridge for anything appealing of sustenance. his unoccupied hand that wasn't gripping onto a weighted backpack or cheap magnetized fridge door rooted around hastily, ransacking the chilled contents for absolutely anything. but he came up short with not even a sugary, high fructose, diabetes inducing energy drink or lone, half-rotten fruit to snack on- both of which made up the typically stocked items.

with an exhausted sigh and a hand running through his undoubtedly messy locks, george dashed out the door, patting at his pockets for the keys. only to then realize, that the reason he'd "forgotten" the keys was because the car was missing, along with all of its its inhabitants, and his only reliable way to get to school now gone.

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