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tw:// substance usage, slight depressive thoughts

'ears ringing, it's too bright, ow, why does it have to be so bright? where am i? OW! jesus who the fuck is kicking me-'


the blonde's eyes finally winced open with the sun being shone directly into his corneas, surely scorching them for it being so invasive. the light was quickly covered with a shadowy head looming over where the blonde laid in the wet grass.

dream recognized the annoying kicking and the lafd beanie above him, identifying the root of his problem to be quackity, which made sense. he brought his hands up to shield his eyes, covering the all too bright outline around quackity's form that still hurt to look in the direction of.

"we thought you were dead asshole. why the fuck did you sleep on the ground outside by yourself when there was a perfectly good trailer less than 100 feet away?" quackity asked in an annoyed tone. though it was clear that he'd secretly been worried about the blonde's whereabouts.

dream looked to his side, now confused at the absence of his british friend. he pushed himself up onto his elbows, rubbing at his eyes with one hand as he ignored quackity's prodding questions. he was attempting to filter through his morning grogginess and the hangover that left him feeling overall shitty, at best.

he continued to tune out the annoying voice circling around him as he stood up with his hands placed on his hips, leaning back to pop his back loudly. he purposefully peered around quackity's head, running a lazy hand through his matted blonde hair to fluff it back up, and tried to scout out his sleeping buddy who seemingly abandoned him.

"where's george?" he asked, finally deciding to tune back in to the man in front of him, only when he needed an answer.

quackity cut off the tangent he'd been running on at the question, visibly taken aback as he bit his lip guiltily.

"uhhmm...", he trailed off while pulling at his beanie to bring it further over his ears.

"what the fuck? you don't know where he is?"

now dream was a bit concerned. he knew george's tendencies, and that he wasn't the most stable person when left alone. more than that though, he was moderately pissed at his friend's lack of care, despite knowing it was unintentional.

upon seeing quackity's reaction, he knew the man would be useless in finding george, so he pushed past him, grabbing the fresh mike's lemonade from the man's hand on the way past. just for spite, he popped it open with a loud overdramatic fizz, spinning on his heel and walking backwards with a smirk to show his enjoyment of the icy cold, stolen beverage.

as he turned back around, he briefly watched as quackity flipped him off and trudged back in the direction of the garage. shaking it off with his refreshing lemonade in hand, he squinted off in the distance towards the downhill pond, faintly making out a shadow of a figure.

as he got closer down the hill, he recognized the figure as a very lost in thought, melancholy george sitting on a wooden dock over the water. dream quietly made his way over to the boy, joining him in sitting on the edge with both of their feet dangling over the side of the wood. he placed his glass bottle in between them as a silent offering that george was welcome to have some if he wished.

"you sleep at all?" the blonde asked. he was trying to gauge whether or not george was in a talking mood without being too direct.

the brunet fumbled with the joint in his fingers, supposedly not expecting dream to make conversation. inhaling a hit as he looked out over the water, he responded, "eh, a bit. i woke up when it got light out and couldn't go back to sleep. figured i'd let you sleep in peace."

hopeless purpose (dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now