unsteady progress

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tw:// very brief mention of s.h. scars

a skinny and athletic looking blonde girl sat on top of a messy bed piled with throw pillows and crocheted blankets. she had wavy hair just like her brother that was up in a frizzy ponytail with stray fly-aways poking out from behind her ears. she had on a thick gray sweatshirt that read 'FL swim', imprinted with the number, '04'. her shins were all bruised up and scratched, but the scratches were presumably from the cat she was petting in her lap.

she had yet to notice anyone's presence in the room as she was wearing bulky noise cancelling headphones over her ears, and watching something on her phone intently.

her room had a very homey feel to it. the one window had orange translucent curtains draped over it, causing the room to glow with an burnt magenta hue. her bed was just a plank of wood platform with a mattress on top, adorned with stacks plushies, and the wood embellished with scrapings and carvings of various words. tiny nick knacks were scattered around on shelves and tabletops, ranging from plastic figurines to ceramic, pottered, and outlandishly shaped pots or vases.

george's eyes darted around the walls in awe at the self-done paintings, large portraits, or tapestries. it was all so eclectic. it gave you a vibe that made you feel safe and want to stay forever- much like the one dream provided him with.

it was the direct antithesis of anything he was himself.

to get her attention, dream jumped onto her bed on his stomach with his feet dangling in the air and hands placed cutely under his chin. his sister nearly jumped out of her skin when a bright-eyed face unexpectedly popped into her field of vision.

she distractedly ripped the headphones off of her ears and paused whatever it was that she'd been watching to see what it was he wanted. "yes?", she asked neutrally. george stood awkwardly in the doorway pulling apart at his own hands, knowing she'd yet to notice someone else's presence.

"this is george", dream chirped while gesturing his arm back at an awkward angle to present the guest.

drista perked up at that, now studying george with curious eyes. he internally shriveled up on himself a bit, suddenly feeling all too aware of every flaw on his body. his sweatshirt hung a little too loosely, his high waisted jeans made him appear far too petite, his pale, tired skin probably looked ghostly in the tinted lighting of the bedroom, and his neck very well could still be marked up with hickeys- he wasn't too sure.

"hey", she stated simply. she was very good at not showing any emotions in her face or tone, which only further panicked the boy. she could hate his guts or think he's america's next top model, and he'd never know.

george plastered a small smile on his face and urged his fingers to stop twitching anxiously. "hello. nice to meet you", he said with an unnoticeable wave of his hand.

'goddamnit, stop being so awkward' he pinched at himself. to his relief though, drista paid no mind to his demeanor and tossed her head in the direction towards a chair sitting at the window next to them.

while george shifted his way over, dream picked away at fraying threads in the blankets on the bed. one string that wasn't meant to come out he pulled too harshly at, causing drista to feel as a large rip formed in the colorful crochet netting on her lap.

"clay, stop look what you did!", she hissed out while swatting his hands away.

clay. that name again. at this point george had figured out that it must be his real name because he naturally assumed that 'dream' wasn't his official birth certificate given title.

he smiled lightly at their sibling bickering- it being obvious that the two were close in their interactions alone. part of him wishes he'd gotten to have a sibling to experience something like that with. someone who will always understand your life situations and who won't leave. he didn't get that, but he could honestly say that he was happy that dream got to.

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