environmentally (un)safe

672 22 24

p.s. i love this song

tw:// drug implication

the board rolled to a stop out front of a short, one story white house with stained siding and peeling paint. george studied the way the front windows' blinds were either bent out of shape, or the windows were entirely boarded up due to having been shattered.

the yard was overgrown and nearly nonexistent, full of weeds and prickling flowers. the roof's shingles were falling off and dilapidated, appearing like they'd never been shown any attention. he saw the trashcan that sat at the foot of the driveway overflowing with excessive heaps of junk that must've been accumulating for weeks.

the final thing he noticed was the way dream stared longingly at the building in front of them. george looked back and forth between dream and the aged house confusingly, only connecting the dots when dream grimly spoke, "welcome to my not so humble abode."

george instantly felt guilty for judging the place so harshly, especially since this is where dream lived. surely it couldn't be that bad if it produced such a gem of a person, right?

the brunet hesitated for a moment, twisting and pursing his lips around to decide whether he was about to come off as offensive. "soo...," he paused to look at dream, "what are we doing here?"

"i want you to meet my sister," the blonde immediately responded. "plus, your clothes are all ripped up from earlier and you seem to not wanna go home, so...", he rationalized.

george's eyes went wide in quick realization before nodding, "oh... oh! yeah, totally."

dream shortly smiled before walking forwards towards the door with george trailing behind. the follower gulped away the onslaught of nervousness washing over him as dream was already opening the door, thus giving him no time to process anything.

as soon as the two stepped into the house, an overwhelming, chemically infused, sweet smell filled their nostrils. george tried to not make it obvious, but his nose started twitching at the overpowering scent, though he wasn't intentionally trying to be rude or draw attention to it.

the front door was actually just a torn screen that slammed loudly behind them, attached to a white plastic frame that didn't fully shut. once again, george wasn't trying to be judgmental, but it was certainly hard not to notice all the flaws in the environment. of course he would never hold it against his friend himself, but it did raise red flags for exactly what type of home life he had.

now looking around, he supposes it made sense why dream didn't like it here. in all honesty, the place was a dump, but that claim couldn't possibly be disputed. it didn't take a detective or the world's biggest douchebag to figure that out.

george's eyes averted from studying the scene before him as a middle-aged woman appeared around the corner from what was (presumably) the kitchen.

her hair was blonde and tied up in a messy knot on the side of her head with loosely hanging pieces, and a worn scrunchie. her eyeliner was smeared over her face like she'd been crying or rubbing at her eyes, with wide blown pupils and labored breathing to match. she pulled down at her sweater sleeves as she noticed the new face, causing her to jump excitedly in her slippered ugg boots.

"oh! clay who's this?" she gasped in awe. quite frankly, george was a bit scared of the eccentric woman, especially considering he was aware of how many times she'd been in and out of the system. also, clay?

george sent dream a questioning look, but he paid no mind as the blonde stepped forwards towards his mom's opened arms, forcefully pushing them back down to her sides. "this is george, but we can't really talk right now", he stated sternly.

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