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<Recap: Ajey finds out (Y/N)'s wishlist and decides that he will fulfill all her left wishes. He starts working on it.>

Ajey's P.O.V

Today is gonna such a beautiful day. Right now, we were getting ready to leave for the location of the photoshoot.

“Babe, you ready?” My wife asked me.

“Yes, let's leave.” I said to which she nodded and after biding goodbye to our family, we left.

“Ajey, do you know this was actually my wish...to get a proper photoshoot with you.” She told me in excitement.

“Really?” I asked her as if I didn't knew.

Of course, she doesn't know that I've seen her wish list.

“Yes!!” she squealed to which I smiled.

God, she makes me so fucking happy.

After about half an hour, we reached our location.

In no time, the photoshoot started. We were constantly changes our poses but it was fun, with her.

We had to change several dresses and locations but it wasn't tiring.

Once the photoshoot ended, we had the interview.

It was the famous ‘73 questions with...
Vogue's signature interview.

Your P.O.V

The Vogue interview is always taken individually. So, Ajey was giving his in the other location while I was giving mine in the other.

“Hey (Y/N)!” The interviewer said as soon as the camera started rolling.

Hello!!” I greeted.

(A/N: bold-italics are the questions by the interviewer while italics are the answered by (Y/N)

“What's the best thing that happened to you this month?”

My husband was casted in a movie earlier this month.

“If you could teach one subject in school, what would it be?”

History, probably.

“What's your favorite beverage?”


What is your favorite birthday cake?

“So, I remember on my tenth birthday, my mum and dad got me a unicorn cake. It was the best one.”

“What is something you can't do?”

Bungee jumping.”

Your favorite cocktail?

“People don't believe it, but I genuinely don't drink.”

“What is the one habbit that you wish you could change?”

Over thinking.”

“What makes you laugh no matter what?”

My husband's YouTube videos. They're hilarious.

“What does equality mean to you?”

Loving everyone around us irrespective of their bank balance or their sexuality.”

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