Epilogue 2

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Ajey's P.O.V

Baby, do you wanna have some pasta or a pizza?” I asked my wife dice she complained that she's hungry.

“How about both?” She said excitedly, I chuckled.

“You know it's not a cheat day right. You're getting junk, that's enough. Pick one now, come on!” I said.

These days, her 'healthy food' as she calls it, is going in vain. She's having only junk.

“Noooo, I want to have both of them.” She whined like a kid.

“Okay, but this is the last time. Alright?” I asked her after releasing a defeated sigh.

“Yeah yeah.” She said casually.

I ordered the food and soon enough, it arrived.

“C'mon, food's here babe!” I called out.

“Umm...” She hesitated.

“What happened?”

“Actually, Ajey I don't want to eat anymore.” She stated.

“But ten minutes back, you wanted to eat both pizza and the pasta.
You okay?” I asked her.

“Yeah...I don't know why but I just don't feel like eating anymore.” She told me.

“Are you okay? I mean is something wrong? Something that I should be worried about?” I asked her, because she doesn't behave like this usually.

“No, I don't think it's something serious. Just don't feel like eating anymore.” She spoke.

“Do you wanna go to the doctor?” I asked her, concerned.

“No Ajey, it's nothing.” She denied.

“Okay.” I said.

I started eating but while having my  food, my wife got up and ran to the bathroom with a hand over her mouth.

I went after her, to see what is it.

I saw her puking, so I held her hair back. After she was done, she rinsed her mouth and wiped it by a towel.

“We are definitely going to a doctor.” I announced.

The next day's evening

Ajey's P.O.V

Right now, we were at the doctor's, getting her checked up.

The doctor asked her symptoms and she answered. After that, the doctor called for some tests and currently, we were waiting for the results.

The doctor walked in, with some files in his hands, probably the results.

“You guys need some privacy for this, call me after you see the reports.” The doctor said and left the room, leaving both of us in confusion.

“Let me see.” My wife said and picked up the files in order to see the report.

After looking at the file for good five minutes, a teardrop left her eye.

“Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying? What does it say? Wh--” I started panicking but before I could say anything further, she cut me.

“I'm pregnant.” She said in a low voice.


“I'm pregnant.” She repeated, now in her normal voice.

“Oh My God.” Was all I said after a pause of two minutes.

I couldn't believe it. She's pregnant, we're pregnant. OH MY GOD.

I'm gonna be a father.

I hugged her immediately, as if my life was dependent on her. By now, both of us were crying.

“I'll be a father. Thank you so much
(Y/N). You don't know how happy I am.” I said and kissed her forehead.

We just stood there, crying tears of happiness in each other's arms.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, and you too little one.” I said as I kissed her belly.

My family.

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