Pariter I

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Pariter I





Time waits for no one.

No matter how much you try to stray away from a supposed happening, it will still happen. The only difference is that you are not around to witness it. '

"F*ck." Yuma wiped the sweat forming on his forehead as he struggled to remove the pumpkin stuck on intertwined vines.

He had been negligent with his garden. These days, he can only think about her. And how he had messed up his confession.

And now, it's their graduation. There was no way that he would attend it. He made terms with his defeat; however, he also refuse to see her get swept by another guy.

He can now just continue a hobby that would at least reciprocate him.

But the thing is,

She was not just a hobby.

She was an embodiment of a future he could finally see.

The brown-haired male sighed, squatting down to give the stubborn pumpkin a knock.

"And now, that future's gone."

"Which future?"

Yuma grunted, knowing the answer to such obvious question.

"'Ya know, the future with' ya," he replied nonchalantly.

He turned his head towards the girl who was leaning curiously on the fence separating the two of them.

"Oh wow," the girl replied.

Yuma's mouth hand open, ears turning red as he realized what just happened. He crawled back, pulling the pumpkin with him and embracing it to his chest.

"W-why are 'ya here?" he stuttered, having the sense to drop the pumpkin to the ground.

"To give your diploma," she held out a slender cylinder case.

"Why didn't the others just get it?" he asked, flustered anger in his voice.

"Because I also wanna talk to you," she replied, throwing the case to which he caught with ease.

"Well, I don't wanna talk to 'ya. Scram!" he replied.

"What, but you said that I can reply to your love confess-"


His voice boomed against the garden, startling the birds to fly away and into the rising sun.

"Do you take your words back?"

Yuma pressed his lips together, upon hearing such words.

Of course he doesn't. But what good would it do? She was probably here to reject him and gave a proper farewell.

"... It doesn't matter," he said, scratching his messy locks with his diploma,"The result is still the same. 'Ya will leave with someone else because I ain't good 'nough for 'ya.

"How can you say that?" she wondered, "You, who have always pushed me away and you who have also pulled me in so close only to ultimately draw a line between us?"

"You're really weird," she added, finally unlocking the latch of the fence and entering his garden.

"You may lack logic, charm, and decorum," she shook her head, realizing that they weren't that different from each other once verbalized.

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