Valeo I

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"If love is a choice, then I choose you.

If happiness is ignorance, then I don't care.

Because loving you is my happiness."


"Bonjour, monsieur! J'em-- f*ck it. Hey Yuto," a loud voice of the male's traveling partner was heard across their spacious living arrangement.

"Yes?" Yuto asked, looking up from the catalog he was reading and rubbing his temples.

"How do I say 'Can you help me take this to the trash bin?' in French again? I forgot," the lady said, taking small heavy steps toward the male.

He was working on his business, his tablet on the dining table, and a catalog in his hands. After he had quit being an idol, he was loaded with money, both from his and his father's hard work. However, in order to not deplete his money supply, he decided to pursue a business and created a successful clothing line.

"Isn't garbage day on a Friday? It's okay not to take the trash out yet," he said, smiling at her clueless expression.

The girl put down the box she was holding on the table and sat down on the seat adjacent to him.

Three years ago, she decided to accompany him in his goal to travel around the world. They have been to five countries so far and had experienced the life each had to offer.  They were traveling partners and naturally, it had brought them closer. They built an unbreakable friendship.

"I keep forgetting to take it out and it gets heavy and I have to ask our kind neighbor to help but like French is like... huh," she said, scratching her locks that were caught in a messy bun.

They were free birds, spreading their wings across the world's horizon. They didn't notice how much Kaminashi had constricted their ways of thinking, and how it had narrowed their point of view. And now that they have felt how it's like to walk on another pavement, they felt more grounded and they started to see the world in a kaleidoscope. 

All the pain they had felt in that city slowly dissipated.

The passing of Yuto's father became nothing but a sullen memory filled with overflowing gratitude and love for the old man. The messy affairs of the two vampire households faded into the background and were mere bad encounters for the girl.

"Well, you can just ask your husband to carry it for you," Yuto rebutted, poking her cheek.

"But you always oversleep on a Friday," she answered, "And I know handling the expansion has been taking a toll on you. You need all the rest you need."

She took his hand from her cheek and gave his ring finger a small kiss.

As their perspective in life changed to optimism, so did their relationship dynamics. Affectionate stares, reddened faces, and goofy smiles. It didn't take them too long to realize that they have already started to feel something different 

There was no courtship. They didn't "date". They didn't "define" their relationship using words. It just happened.

And one chilly New York night, Yuto knelt down and proposed to the love of his life.

It was his first love confession, his first time putting his feelings to words.

And it was her first time to voice out hers too.

They got married in Korea but also went back to Japan to have a small ceremony with Yuto's departed family. It was one of their happiest days.

And today is another one.

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