Chapter 35

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Lucy's POV:

"Oh Chloe." I whisper as she starts to cry on my shoulder. I peek down at my cardigan pocket and spot Tikki and Sapph exchanging guilty glances. I shoot Tikki a supportive smile and she flies into Chloe's view.

"I'm so sorry Chloe, I automatically assumed the worst and that was so wrong of me." she apologizes nervously and Chloe looks up at her with tear stained eyes.

"It's okay Tikki, I know I don't have the best reputation." 

I pat her shoulder sadly as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"I guess I should get back before Lila returns." 

"Why don't you just hang out with me?" I suggest hopefully. I don't want my cousin influencing Chloe and making her even more miserable. Chloe seems hopeful before realising the flaw in my plan.

"I promised I'd fall out with you all."

I'm pretty certain I can get Lila to agree to my condition if she thinks I'll leave her plan alone. 

"How about I speak to Lila about you and I staying friends?" 

Chloe nods eagerly before the door to the bathroom opens quickly. Jumping apart in case we come face to face with one of Lila's minions, we're met with Adrien.

My initial shock changes to mild confusion rather swiftly as I realise he is standing in the girls bathroom.

"All okay?" I ask with humour laced in my tone. I know he's with Lila but it's not really his fault. Besides, he was, no, is my friend regardless.

"Oh, um, sorry girls... I keep forgetting what I'm doing today." He apologizes before turning away. I look at Chloe with wide eyes and she seems to understand.

"Wait!" She calls as I grab his arm and pull him further into the toilets.

He seems flustered but not annoyed.

"Make sure Lila doesn't see this." I tell Chloe and she nods, peering around the bathroom door to check for the brunette.

"How was your evening yesterday?" I ask Adrien as Chloe comes back in.

"Fine I guess. A little fuzzy now you mention it." He replies with a shrug.

"How so?" Chloe chips in, standing beside me.

"Just like I can't pinpoint anything that really happened, it feels like a dream that I can't quite remember." he explains, rubbing his neck nervously. "Is this some sort of interview, because I need to get going." Adrien makes a move towards the door.

"Just one more question!" I say quickly, causing him to turn at the outburst.

"Go ahead." He says, smiling slightly.

"Who was your first love?" I ask and Chloe stiffens next to me.

Adrien chuckles and pauses to think.

"Well I guess the best answer would be Lila, but now that I think about it, I wouldn't say it was love. I suppose my first love per say would be Ladybug, but considering I don't know who she is, it's not really love." he concludes with a final nod.

"You don't know her identity?" Chloe asks in confusion.

Adrien shakes his head confidently. "No of course not, no one does."

"I really should be off now girls, can we keep this chat between us." he asks hopefully. Chloe and I both nod and he flashes us a smile before hurrying off.

"He doesn't know she's Marinette." Chloe says after a few moments silence.

"This is perfect!!" I say suddenly causing her to jump.

lila's revengeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora