Chapter 31- Failed

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Allegra leaped gracefully into the air, landing on the dragon’s humongous head. Her hands glowed grayish-purple, and she nodded once to her two companions before proceeding to shoot swirls of dusty orbs at the chains.

Vesta limped in Artemis’s direction, hopelessness clear in her silver eyes. Her lip trembled, and her breaths were raspy.

“Enough,” she whispered. Allegra glanced at her before proceeding to free the dragon’s mouth from its metal cover. Once she accomplished this, the Exedras twins would not reawaken any time soon.

“The Queen’s orders are absolute,” a deep voice bought light to Vesta’s features. From the back entrance of the dungeons, a shady figure blurred about in the area, knocking Artemis’s sword from her hand, and slamming Demetri against the barrier.

“Marklen!” Vesta called desperately. “The last one! Stop her!”

Marklen jumped first onto the dragon’s flailing tail, then onto his back, finally making his way to Allegra. Allegra stood ready for attack, but even she could not see the agile, stealthy and heavy-set man knock her from atop the dragon.

She regained her balance before dropping to the ground. Marklen was a burly young man, with broad shoulders and straight features. A miniscule red cross marked the side of his left eye.

Artemis groaned in annoyance, pushing Vesta out of her way and grabbing her sword off the ground.

“You three,” Marklen addressed them. “Unforgivable.”

Demetri pushed himself to his feet, wincing at the unbearable pain that shot through the back of his head. Allegra managed to shoot another snaky swirl of dark magic at the metal cover.

To Allegra’s relief, Bahamut shook his head wildly from side to side, forcing Marklen to retreat to the ground. He swore under his breath when the cover crashed to the ground, sending pieces of sharp metal in every direction. Allegra was protected under the dragon’s wing, while Artemis saved herself by deflecting the metal fragments with her sword. Two pierced Demetri’s arm, while Marklen gallantly protected his Queen.

The roar sounded over the expanse, dangerously shaking the ground. The barrier weakened, and Marklen dashed to restrain the beast.

“Marklen!” Vesta cried. Artemis smirked, retreating away from the Bahamut’s heavy tail. His scaly wings flapped down, and his mouth was tightly shut. Vesta felt bile rise in her throat.

He was preparing to destroy those who had restrained him.

“Demetri,” Artemis nodded her head. She frowned, noting his tense shoulders. Blood stained his right sleeve. Marklen unexpectedly changed his direction, aiding Demetri out of the way of the dragon’s expected attack.

Allegra patted his head affectionately, trying to calm its nerves. Before his mouth could unleash hellfire, Vesta’s symbols took control over his body. Artemis could hear her relieved and victorious sigh. The beast convulsed, and his tail flailed about dangerously, almost hitting Allegra. It crashed into one of the two marble pillars beside the back entrance of the palace. The three symbols enlarged, and dissolved into Bahamut’s scaly skin.

“Rise, my Queens!” Vesta cried excitedly. Allegra’s remorseful expression relayed her message.

It was time to retreat.

Allegra took Demetri’s arm from Marklen, and silently, the three passed through the broken area of the barrier from where they had come. The caught a glimpse of the light enveloping the coffins. The Bahamut had apparently fallen unconscious, and Vesta beamed at her work from afar.


Alexei inspected the brick structures around him, for a moment awestruck by the normality in the little village despite all that was going on. Of course, Alexei rolled his eyes: they wouldn’t know the seriousness of the situation. The villagers all had smiling faces, and wore clothes of soft pastel colours. So far, he saw no one dressed in armor or traveling clothes besides himself.

An elderly villager looked Alexei’s way, flashing a wrinkly smile. Alexei hesitantly returned the heartfelt notion, and continued onwards through the village. There were so many scattered villages in Tytania. They should be united into one city. But maybe it was better this way.

A familiar, distressed figure passed by him in a blur, kindly murmuring, “Excuse me.”

Alexei whirled around, grabbing the figure by the arm. Arisa met his eyes momentarily, before her mouth fell slightly open and icy eyes enlarged. He heard a little cry before he was tightly embraced.

“Thank goodness,” Arisa whispered. “Alexei.”

Alexei searched intently for Rosy. “Where’s Rosy?”

Arisa shamefully cocked her head to the side. “I had to leave her.”

He decided not to question her motives, although he was quite shocked. “Where?”

Arisa pointed the way she had come. “A twenty-minute run south.”

“I thought the dragon had been released,” Arisa scratched the back of her head. Alexei inhaled deeply before explaining the happenings. Arisa listened intently, although he could see her evident impatience.

“Stay there with Rosy and Irma,” Arisa bid him farewell, vanishing in moments. Alexei started south, breaking into a run. He was anxious to see Rosy, and he was sure the feeling was reciprocal. Cytheria would not be far behind him, and Arisa was sure to cross paths with her as well. For the second time, he felt the emptiness inside him.

How he missed his ‘beastly’ companion.

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