Chapter 24- Wrong Destination

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Artemis stopped short, reaching the entrance of Magus’ catacombs. It smelt pungent, and she clasped a hand over her mouth and nose in disgust. The arched entrance was outlined with mosaic depictions of dead women and men. A single, black skull sat on the entrance’s right. The walls were dangerously spiky and uneven. She felt an overwhelming amount of power from further, and was almost convinced Alexei was inside.

“Come on,” Demetri whispered, although his face had gone pale from the smell, unwelcoming appearance, and the ominous and colossal power. They ran towards the entrance, only to be repelled by a strong barrier that sent them flying backwards. Artemis exhaled sharply when she was impaled on the spiked wall. Obviously, the one who put up the barrier had this outcome in mind. Artemis pulled her body off, leaving a trail of black blood spurting from the numerous wounds. The wounds closed quite quickly, bubbling repulsively before disappearing. Demetri was lucky enough to have landed on the even floor.

“Are you okay?” Demetri asked, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Of course,” Artemis scoffed. She faced the entrance again, putting her index finger dangerously close to the barrier.

The ones you seek are exactly where you suggested. A voice rang in their ears. They sent bewildered looks to one another. The voice was not one they had heard before, but Artemis knew exactly who it was. Demetri stood up, and headed impatiently towards the exit.

“Cornelia,” they said simultaneously, climbing up the rusty ladders to the surface. Demetri reached a second before her, and was already racing in the direction of Queen Vesta’s palace. Artemis frowned; it was too far away. They had already wasted enough time traveling to the catacombs. They were similar to zombies, with limitless energy, and unimaginable speed- the reason they’d reached the catacombs in less than three hours. Demetri’s jaw was set as they dashed across the deserted area surrounding the catacombs. No one came here, fearful of the spirits underground.

“The citizens,” Artemis shouted over the lashing of the wind against their bodies. “They’ll… see us!”

Demetri halted, helplessness flashing across his face. Artemis placed her finger on her chin, deep in thought.

“Do you need me?” A sharp voice startled them. They both whirled around. Allegra.

“Allegra?” Artemis said disbelievingly. She seemed to ponder over the past events, and like Demetri, noted Allegra’s absence. She had not been there when Artemis and Demetri had set out to find Cytheria and Alexei.

“I had something to do,” she said coolly, “So I left.”

“How come we didn’t notice?” Demetri demanded, his voice low and menacing.

“I tampered with your consciousness,” Allegra rolled her eyes. “You definitely wouldn’t have let me go.”

“Where did you go?” Artemis asked calmly, although fury was clear in her black eyes.

“Something to do with the necromancer who raised me,” Allegra admitted, but quickly waved the subject away. “What is it that’s gotten you two looking like lost puppies?”

Artemis caught a glimpse of the horn that marked Allegra’s elbow, the sign of her necromancer, and was baffled instead to find her elbow bandaged. Allegra shot Artemis a menacing glare to make sure she didn’t bring the revelation to Demetri’s knowledge.

“We have to get to the Royal Palace,” Demetri replied.

“Which one?” Allegra asked.

“How many royal palaces do you know?” Demetri asked in infuriation. Artemis flicked the back of his head to calm him down.

“The Queen’s,” Artemis informed. “But the citizens will surely see us moving through their city. And we can’t teleport, or Vesta will be alerted.”

“Underground tunnels? The catacombs,” Allegra suggested. Artemis clicked her tongue. “Blocked by a barrier.”

Allegra gently squeezed the bridge of her nose. “Then we must resort to turning into bats.”

Artemis glared at her. “This isn’t a joke. Alexei and Cytheria have been taken by Vesta.”

Allegra’s eyes widened in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

She didn’t wait for an answer, “Vesta’s palace lies in the heart of the city. I can increase our speed so we are nothing but a breeze. But you two must remember, do not stop for any reason, or you’ll fall behind. We’ll run right into the city. Don’t stop.”

Artemis and Demetri raised their eyebrows. It was Demetri who spoke. “There are too many obstacles for that.”

“Avoid them!” Allegra was determined. “I’m sure you can. It’s still early, so there won’t be too many people around.”

She held both her hands out for Artemis and Demetri. Hesitantly, the two of them surrendered to Allegra.


“Mama?” Rosy called, startling the dazed Arisa.

“Hm?” Arisa recollected herself. She desperately needed sleep.

“You’re a necromancer… who can bring dead people back to life. Right?” Rosy confirmed in a low voice. Arisa nodded.

“Then why do you not just resurrect Cornelia?” She asked sceptically. Arisa let out a small and weak laugh. “If it was that easy, don’t you think we would’ve done it already? What do you think is the reason?”

“The Devil has prevented it?” Rosy guessed in a bored tone. Arisa snapped her fingers in approval. “Almost right. His curses are almost impossible to tamper with, and we don't know exactly where Cornelia has beent trapped.”

“Rosy…” A voice called out behind them. Irma staggered, losing her footing and lying facedown on the grassy ground. Arisa dashed to her, pulling her into a sitting position. Her chest heaved quickly, and her face was pink.

“Thank… goodness… I found you,” she said breathlessly, passing out. Rosy blinked thrice. “What happened?”

“Ssh. She needs rest,” Arisa sympathised. “And we do too.”

Rosy nodded, obediently putting a finger over her lips. She folded her legs over each other and picked on the grass.

“Please be okay, Alexei,” she whispered under her breath, while her throat constricted. Irma’s sudden appearance had reminded her of the situation. All she could do was pray.

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