Chapter 41- War I

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            Cytheria, Rosy, and Marklen had retired for the day. The Queens remained with Artemis and Demetri in the main hall, probably to continue their earlier conversation on Demetri’s death. Artemis found that she felt wholly comfortable around the two Queens now, and she could never have imagined that their hearts were so just and caring; only a week ago had she been trying to obstruct their resurrection.

            Vesta had clearly known what she was doing. She had raised the Queens without claiming a single innocent life. Before Vesta, this feat was impossible. Maybe they had seen Vesta wrongly, or maybe she had allowed herself to be depicted cruelly. Artemis would never know. 

            “Ellery, you said?” Beatrice penetrated the quietude with her deep but smooth voice. 

            “Oakser and Ariadne Ellery,” Fortuna repeated, her eyes searching Demetri’s thoroughly. “That’s impossible.” 

            “Perhaps Tira and Lirkus gave birth and hid the child, who would have carried on this lineage in the same manner,” Beatrice began, “Thus arriving to Ariadne and Oakser, who are indeed of the ancient Ellery family.” 

            “That would explain the lack of information on them,” Artemis nodded, “The Ellery family isn’t a much appreciated one.” 

            “Yes, it isn’t,” Fortuna supported, “They massacred an entire family; their own families… and carried on with the name Ellery, which instilled disgust in Tytania for them.” 

            “So they’re not appreciated because of Tira and Lirkus’s crimes?” Demetri raised an eyebrow. He was immensely engrossed in the topic. Obviously, he was curious about the one who took his life.

            A sudden notion shook Artemis. She turned hastily towards Demetri. 

            “Where are Allegra and Mistress Arisa?” She demanded. “They were going to follow behind us, weren’t they?” 

            “Why are you attacking me?” Demetri smirked, “And Allegra will know, and she’ll come here.” 

            “How do you know?” Artemis narrowed her eyes, remembering the piercing green look she used to shoot at him when they were younger. Now, the look would probably be dull and black. 

            “I know my sister,” Demetri smiled, “and the Queens probably left their mark there.” 

            Of course, Artemis rolled her eyes, Allegra was the genius. “Anyway, what are we going to do about Oakser and Ariadne?” 

            “What do you mean?” Demetri furrowed his brow, “We killed both of them.” 

            Soft footsteps interrupted their conversation, and all four heads turned to the source of the sound. It was Rosy, with big and curious hazel eyes. 

            “Ariadne?” Rosy whispered, “Ariadne Ellery?” 

            “Yes,” Artemis whispered. “Go back to sleep, Rosy. You’ve barely been asleep two hours.” 

            “Ariadne Ellery is not dead,” Rosy perked up, “She was there that day… in the forest. She was searching for Allegra.” 

            Artemis and Demetri exchanged troubled glances, and Demetri timidly turned to the Queens, who were watching quietly. 

            “My Queen,” Demetri began in a low voice, “The Ellery family… Were they strong?” 

           “Yes,” Fortuna replied, “Tira and Lirkus in particular. They killed their families without suffering from even a wound. I’m sure their capabilities were passed on.” 

            “Oakser was just a young boy,” Artemis’s eyes were wide, “And he was able to kill Demetri without him realizing it.” 

            “What are you trying to say?” Fortuna asked. 

            “If Ariadne is indeed alive, then so is Oakser,” Demetri elaborated, “Although I’m sure we killed them. They were raised by a necromancer.” 

            “Only two necromancers live to this day in Tytania,” Artemis clenched her fists, “Arisa Rains and Losse Armont. And I’m sure Arisa isn’t the one who raised those two troublemakers.” 

            “Losse Armont?” Beatrice was finally fazed. “This is not coincidence. Two of the previous sacrifices’  descendants seek to bring turmoil to Tytania. This is surely a plot, on a larger scale than I could have imagined.” 

            “Armont and Ellery are collaborating, you mean?” Artemis demanded in anxiety. 

            “Not only that,” Beatrice was concerned. 

            “Both Ellery and Armont are immensely powerful, with only a few black sheep among them. And their power combined with the fact that they cannot be killed is indeed troubling.” 

            “Cannot be killed?” Rosy was immersed. 

            “As Demetri mentioned, they’re already dead, aren’t they?” Fortuna elaborated for the young girl, “Living corpses will have more endurance than us.”

            “But we suffer more pain than the living,” Artemis argued. 

            “Even so, your powers are amplified, are they not?” 

            Artemis was silenced. That was true; she was stronger and more observant and alert than when she had been alive. 

            “But I still don’t understand Oakser’s motive of taking Demetri’s life,” Artemis spoke again, with more passion. 

            Fortuna slammed her fists on the glass table and shot out from her chair. Her widened and distressed eyes sent all of their hearts racing.

            “The people in charge of the sacrifices the first time the Devil was sealed were the Lyte,” Fortuna’s voice was barely a whisper, but clear and audible. 

            “This is their revenge,” Artemis comprehended, “That’s why Ariadne was searching for Allegra.” 

            “If the Ellery and Armont have been alive all these years, there are certainly those that side with them,” Beatrice explained, “For now, we should only hope that this strife does not transform into a full-on war that will split Tytania and its people.”

            Allegra and Arisa rested against the trunks of the thick trees. They were fatigued. Allegra knew where they had to go, but the journey seemed so long that very moment. In less than a second, Allegra stood protectively over Arisa, holding out a blade and inspecting her surrounding keenly with her sharp eyes.

            “Allegra Lyte,” a friendly female voice greeted, “I’ve heard so much about you.”

            “Show yourself,” Arisa had stood up, and now resembled a true mistress.

            “Pleasure to meet you, Arisa,” the young girl was beautiful, and looked almost Allegra’s age. The only thing Arisa sensed that was wrong was the fact that this girl had no aura at all.           

            She was dead. 

A/N: Thanks for reading~

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