Chapter 18- Exposed

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Rosy felt her eyes sting with tears as the sphere approached her. She met Alexei’s widened eyes one last time before facing her death.

“Rosy!” Alexei cried out as loudly as he could. Rosy resisted the urge to smile apologetically at him. The sphere smashed into its target, while Cytheria’s sword slashed Alexei’s neck. A loud boom was followed by impenetrable green smoke.

“Alexei!” Irma cried from outside the cloud of smoke. She began sobbing quietly to herself, waiting for the smoke to clear. Slowly, the smoke subsided. Irma’s eyes widened. A woman with long white hair ending in ringlets stood protectively in front of a traumatized Rosy. Irma stifled a gasp as she recognized the figure. Artemis Delara? Artemis’ eyes momentarily met Irma’s before looking back at where Alexei had been killed. She smiled. Irma followed her line of sight, and her jaw fell open. Cytheria’s sword was placed at the side of Vesta’s neck, and Alexei was safe behind two other figures: Demetri and Allegra.

“Impossible,” Vesta said desperately, looking from Artemis to Demetri. “Y-you… How?”

“Thank you, Cytheria Terre,” Artemis said tersely, turning to Rosy. Rosy’s mouth was slightly open, and her eyes were round and glassy, as if holding back tears.

“A-artemis?” She stuttered. Artemis nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks. Rosy burst into tears when Artemis embraced her. “Ssh, Rosy. I’m here now.”

Rosy only cried harder, dampening Artemis’ shoulder. She tightened her embrace on Rosy. “I’m sorry, Rosy.”

“Oh, Artemis!” Rosy cried in between sobs. “I m-missed you!”

“Me too,” Artemis broke down, sobbing along with Rosy. “I love you, my Rosy.”

Demetri cleared his throat in amusement. Artemis instantly released Rosy, and wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. She walked over to the stupefied Alexei, and smiled. Alexei grabbed her arm and hugged her tightly.

“Artemis,” he whispered. “Thank goodness.”

“Have you forgotten that the Queen is still present?” Cytheria asked dryly. Artemis grinned at Cytheria.

“Rosy,” Artemis called her. “Remember Demetri? This is him! And this is Allegra!”

Rosy backed away fearfully at the mention of Demetri, causing Allegra and Artemis to snicker. Cytheria sighed, and knocked Vesta down with the hilt of her sword. Vesta glared relentlessly at Cytheria.

“Why?” Vesta whispered.

“You don’t deserve to be Queen,” Cytheria muttered hatefully, knocking the hilt against the back of her head. Vesta was instantly knocked out.

“Ouch,” Allegra smirked. Demetri bent down in front of Rosy, and smiled. Rosy still didn’t approach him.

“I’m sorry, Euphrosyne,” Demetri said softly. “I truly am.”

Rosy contemplated for a moment before accepting Demetri’s outstretched hand. Allegra ruffled Rosy’s hair affectionately.

“But I thought you and Artemis hated each other?” Rosy asked in bewilderment. Artemis and Demetri exchanged amused looks.

“We did,” they said simultaneously.

“But I solved their problem,” Allegra spoke softly. “I assured my brother that I forgave Artemis, and that he should forgive her too.”

“Y-yes,” Demetri looked slightly embarrassed. Allegra, Artemis, and Demetri stood together, smiling. Rosy found the sight heart-warming and felt tears of happiness flow out of the corner of her eyes. She suddenly caught sight of Alexei and Irma, and jumped into his arms. He was trembling uncontrollably, and his breathing was shallow.

“Alexei?” Rosy asked worriedly. “Are you alright?”

“I-I’m weak,” Alexei whispered. Rosy kissed him on the cheek, and finally turned to Cytheria, who had been staring at her curiously from the beginning. Irma tended to Alexei, soothing him with her words.

“Euphrosyne Rains,” a small smile played on Cytheria’s lips. “Pleasure to meet you.”

Rosy opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. She’d heard of Cytheria Terre, a deadly woman who worked closely by Vesta’s side. Seeing her in person was terrifying. Cytheria’s bored expression somewhat comforted Rosy, and her tight fitting black suit struck her as unusual. Rosy smiled timidly. Cytheria smirked. “You’re a lucky girl, Euphrosyne, to have such wonderful people who care for you.”

“I-I know,” Rosy agreed, smiling from ear to ear. Artemis hopped up to her with Allegra in tow and pressed Rosy tightly to her side.

“I missed you so much,” Rosy whispered. Then she blinked twice.

“Aren’t the three of you DEAD?” Rosy felt stupid, and stared unbelievingly from Demetri to Allegra to Artemis.

“We are,” Artemis said sadly. Demetri approached Artemis, and placed a hand on her shoulder. “A miracle happened to pass by. That is why we are here, Euphrosyne.”

“Please call me Rosy,” Rosy said quickly. “Miracle?”

As if on cue, the three bowed down low. Rosy twitched her nose in bewilderment.

“Mistress,” the three said. The leaves rustled, and a cloaked figure appeared from the trees. Rosy’s heart beat fast, and her hands went clammy.

“No way,” Alexei whispered, somehow guessing the person under the cloak. “You are…”

The woman’s hood fell. Rosy’s mouth tasted metallic. Her throat constricted, and her stomach gave a lurch. She clenched and unclenched her hands as she struggled to believe this was reality. It all seemed too coincidental, too surreal.

“This is our mistress,” Demetri said proudly. “The one who raised us from death. The miracle.”

Their mistress was none other than Arisa Rains, Rosy’s mother.

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