Chapter 38- Past Sacrifices

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“Does a seal like that really need five people?” Artemis broke the silence between herself and the Exedras twins. Demetri had gone to rest after being asked to by Beatrice, but Artemis had been too anxious for Rosy to awake. 

Beatrice raised her eyebrows. “Yes.” 

“There were five people sacrificed when the first seal was placed?” 


“Is there no other way?” 

“Not that I know of.” 

Artemis sighed exasperatedly. Her black eyes traveled to the nearby golden rimmed mirror that hung from a chain off the wall opposite her. She looked into her own eyes, feeling distant. She was hideous. Her black eyes were lifeless, not that she had a life anymore, and her black glossy lips simply revolted her. 

Her lips used to be pink and look wonderful against her rosy skin, which was now pale white. She didn’t want to see herself in such a pitiful state. She placed a hand over the left side of her chest, pressing to feel her heartbeat. 

Of course, there was none. Why was there such a burning sensation in her heart when it simply didn’t work anymore? How was it that she loved Rosy so without a heart? 

“Artemis,” Fortuna smiled, “Don’t worry about Rosy. We’re here now.” 

Artemis responded with a small but genuine smile. These two women who were so hated by Tytania were actually the ones with the kindest hearts. Their honor deserved to be regained, and she would help them. She felt her strength and determination seeping back into her with her new resolve. 

“Do you want to know the names of the five sacrifices?” Beatrice asked spontaneously. 

“If you’re willing to tell me,” Artemis met the queen’s eyes fearlessly. 

“Tira and Lirkus Ellery, Irea Uney, Pery Armont, and…” She hesitated, “Darmon Exedras.” 

“Why were these five chosen in particular?” Artemis felt that more than one of those names sounded startlingly familiar to her. Ellery. “Darmon Exedras…” 

“He was our older brother,” Fortuna clarified. “He had failing health, and so passed the throne onto his younger sisters. He offered his life for the sealing.” 

“Nothing of his existence was ever recorded in history,” Artemis noted. 

“He did not want to be known,” Beatrice said sorrowfully, her blue eyes momentarily falling to the floor, “He thought himself a disgrace for being unable to serve Tytania.” 

“To answer your previous question, the first three were chosen because they were criminals, and the remaining two were gallant volunteers,” Fortuna diverted the subject from her brother. “Pery and Darmon were good friends. She came to the palace almost every day for Darmon.” 

“Why did she sacrifice her life?” 

“Because of Darmon.” 

Artemis added the five names to her memory. They would prove to be useful in the near future, she thought. 

“Tira and Lirkus Ellery were a married couple who had taken the lives of each of their families,” Fortuna elaborated, “But I don’t actually have knowledge of Irea Uney’s crime.” 

“She was a ruthless killer,” Beatrice said venomously. Artemis felt a crawling sensation on her back. That was exactly what she used to be before Allegra changed her; a ruthless killer. 

“…Artemis?” Rosy’s sleepy voice interrupted their conversation. Artemis leaped towards the source of the voice, covering Rosy’s face with kisses. Rosy returned her tight embrace, stroking the back of Artemis’s head affectionately. 

“I’m so sorry,” Artemis choked between her words, “Rosy, I’m sorry.”

“How do you feel, Rosy?” Fortuna asked quietly but with concern. 

“Who… are you?” Rosy’s eyes were fearful as she examined the two mighty women. 

“They saved you,” Artemis cut in, “Rosy, these are Fortuna and Beatrice Exedras.” 

Rosy’s eyes widened in terror. “If you two are here… then Alexei…” 

“Fret not, child,” Beatrice was amused, “Alexei is perfectly fine. He lost his beast, but he is well.” 

Rosy’s knees gave way in relief, and she smiled sadly. “What did he do? Did he hurt anyone?” 

“Everyone is alright, Euphrosyne.” Fortuna persisted. “Don’t blame yourself.” 

“I should’ve resisted… I should’ve known…” Rosy covered her lips with her palm. “Why are you all protecting me?” 

They fell into a solemn quietude. Rosy broke into sobs. 

“I don’t want to live.”

A/N: This chapter is short, but I had to upload. This chapter is dedicated to Skytress because I read her story and regained my will to write. Thank you Skytress :) 

I will upload regularly, but not in large chapters. Vote/Comment! :)

Thanks for reading!

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