Chapter 22- Capture

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A/N: Sorry for the delay, again. I'm slacking off, eh? My exams just finished ^^ Enjoy.

Artemis turned her head at the strange crackling sound behind her. Demetri was preoccupied with Rosy and Arisa, and did not take notice. Artemis scanned the vicinity quickly, calming her racing heart. The cause of her distress was Alexei and Irma. They were alone with the Queen and her previously loyal knight. It was Artemis’ own idea to involve Cytheria, as she did not want such a decent person’s life wasted. Still, the suspicions did not retire.

“What’s wrong?” Demetri’s voice suddenly asked, startling her. Artemis bit her lip, and shook her head. He was unconvinced, but refrained from pressing her further.

“Where are we headed?” Artemis diverted his attention from her distress.

“Somewhere numerous souls roam,” Arisa answered in a funny voice, “I need the power of other souls to call Cornelia’s vessel to me.”

“Is that even possible?” Artemis inquired hopelessly.

“It is,” Arisa assured, “I am only afraid of the shields around the vessel. It may take too much power to penetrate those shields.”

“Lord Xerxes was already dead when Cornelia was sealed,” Rosy recalled sharply. “How did he place those shields?”

“He had Ciceron Isaura do it for him,” Demetri replied surely, “Alexei’s father.”

“Alexei’s father?” Rosy repeated in confusion. “But Cornelia’s time was over a century ago… Alexei couldn’t possibly be so old!”

“He isn’t,” Arisa clicked her tongue, “His father is, though. He lived longer than normal.”


“He prolonged his own life by secret means,” Demetri whispered.

“I see,” Rosy bit her index finger, deep in speculation. Demetri froze, and whirled around with an alarmed expression. “A decoy… has been destroyed.”

“Decoy?” Arisa’s brown eyes were fearful. “Decoy of what?”

Demetri began moving back the way they came, quickening his pace in every second. Artemis carried Rosy on her back, following after Demetri. Arisa was already beside him.

“Xerxes’ mirror,” Demetri replied, “I purposely created twenty decoys scattered in every room of his palace. One of them is gone.”

“What does that imply?” Rosy asked bravely. Demetri stopped abruptly at the small crack Cytheria had pierced with her sword to open the portal.

“Someone tried to destroy the mirror,” Demetri replied. His eyes were wide, and his fists clenched to restrain shivering. “The Queen!”

Artemis, Arisa, and Rosy finally understood, and instantly began thinking of Alexei’s safety. Demetri knelt down beside the crack, beginning to draw symbols with his index finger. The symbols appeared as a dull, aquamarine light, before vanishing into the earth. The ground shook slightly, and like before, liquid-like light spilt from the crack, spreading out into an oval. Demetri motioned towards it, nodding reassuringly.

“Arisa, stay here with Rosy,” Artemis concluded, “Demetri and I will go.”

“NO,” Rosy denied instantly.

“If you get too close to the mirror, it will happen,” Artemis whispered darkly, her eyes covered in an ominous grey shadow. Rosy retracted sharply, nodding reluctantly. Artemis and Demetri grasped each other’s hand, and sunk into the light.


Cytheria struggled to open her eyes, but her eyelids were much too heavy. Her body felt shattered under a humungous weight, and her head ached. No, nothing had happened to them, she was sure. She clenched and unclenched her hands, gradually gaining complete control over her arms. To her annoyance, her eyes would still refuse to open.

“A-Alexei,” she whispered incoherently. Her heart began hammering in her chest when no reply came. “Please, Alexei.”

“Oh, my dear!” A mocking voice came suddenly. “Your betrothed is perfectly fine.”

A hand passed over her eyes, and she opened them with ease. She was no longer in Xerxes’ Palace, she noted with alarm. She was in the same room Demetri had lost his life. She tilted her head, scanning the room.

Alexei hung limp from manacles, holding his arms over his head. His eyelids were droopy, and his chest naked. Beside him, Vesta’s slit silver eyes induced a small cry of fright in Cytheria. Vesta laughed, stepping out from the shadow. Cytheria backed away, hitting her head on the metal bars confining her in the small, feculent room. She noticed the tools and bottles placed on a small wooden table beside Alexei. The Queen was still set on releasing the Bahamut. Cytheria jumped to her feet, lunging towards Vesta. Her real aim was to destroy the tools and bottles, but Vesta apparently saw through her.

“Obstreperous little idiot,” Vesta smirked, yanking Cytheria by the hair. She blinked in confusion; she had no idea what that meant. She let out a small yelp when Vesta threw her against the wall. Alexei stirred, his eyes suddenly large and his nostrils flaring.

“Oh, you’re still conscious?” Vesta asked, pleasantly surprised.

“What happened?” Cytheria demanded quietly.

“You are in no position to question me,” Vesta reprimanded sharply, “But I think I will answer that.”

“The mirror I destroyed was not the real one,” Vesta revealed flippantly, “Even I am not that absurd. I clearly noted the lack of energy when I held it. It was a trap.

“I covered myself with a protective barrier before shattering it,” Vesta said proudly, “I think I’ve done quite well. This turned out to be more interesting than I foresaw.”

Cytheria sobbed quietly, so low that only she could hear. Her glassy, light blue eyes met Alexei’s mismatched ones.

I’m sorry, Cytheria. Alexei’s eyes communicated.

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