Chapter 60 (final)- Forevermore

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                Everything unduly comes with a price.

                Sometimes, the price far exceeds the worth of what is achieved…


                Euphrosyne Rains casually sidestepped her father’s sudden embrace, chuckling as he feigned an expression of despondence. The aged eyes of Hugh Rains watched his daughter’s graceful movements with unreserved pride. Hugh flopped onto the thin mattress, faking a sigh. “My daughter hates me…”

                Rosy grinned, poking his forehead with the tip of her index finger. “Of course she does.” Hugh exhaled from his nostrils, smiling. It was not often that his dear Euphrosyne was free. She had grown into a powerful young woman with uncontested wisdom and a smile capable of lightening the hearts of the entire kingdom.

                “Alexei must be waiting,” Rosy bent, embracing her father. “I’ll be off.”

                Rosy’s smile dropped as she exited the tiny home. Pyre Village served as a relentless reminder of who she loved dearest. It was where everything had begun. Her grin reappeared when she spotted the handsome golden-haired man leaning against the side of a horse-drawn carriage.

                He was sympathetic when he spoke, “They’re always watching over you.”

                The image of bright red hair and exultant emerald orbs flashed across her mind.

                “I know,” she laughed. And then her head rose towards the swirling white patterns which adorned the crisp and clear blue sky. “I’ll be happy now, as a token of appreciation to you all.”

                It was her tale- the Devil’s Tear- that which would exist in essence forevermore.


Year 192, Erdresden Century   

                Perhaps it was a play of fate or the humour of nature when the crops of Tytania sprouted through thick layers of snow.

               Or perhaps it was predetermined that, after exactly a millennium had passed since the ultimate sealing of the Devil, nature would exceed its boundaries, or that blessings would be generously granted to the land.

                Trees bore abundant fruit, flowers created vast fields of breathtaking colour atop vast white blankets of snow, all while immaculate flakes continued to float onto the ground.

                A miracle of heroes had been commemorated by nature with its own resplendent miracle.


                But even so, the flow of time, the cycle of the sun and moon, the changing of the seasons continues without relent.

                And the only choice left is to accept.

                Accept yet never, ever forget.


A/N: Well, thus ends the story of the Devil's Tear. I sincerely hope you all enjoyed it and found the ending to be sufficient. In honesty, it broke my heart to end it here. :( If this story remains with you for long, then that is what I hoped to achieve. 

Special thanks go out to: 

12Anne16, my twin, who never failed to amuse me with each comment she posted on every single chapter. 

tara1986, for being a faithful reader and supporter. 

LadyAireen, Mica-chan, for genuine, and most of the time amusing, comments. 

larxene, Christina, for staying with me for so long and never failing to support me.

korihime, Clare, for threatening havoc if I didn't upload and always motivating me. 

Skytress, a faithful reader and one of my oldest friends here. 

ga_garcia, for her awesomeness and the motivation she instilled in me. 

Autumn_duskflame, a faithful reader, supporter, and friend. 

The silent readers, ;) 

And all the future readers who may see this.

Thank you all. 

Thus concludes the Devil's Tear.

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