Chapter 39- Live

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No one made any movement towards the disheartened and demoralized young girl. She broke into sobs which rocked her tiny frame. Artemis wanted to soothe her, but was at loss of knowing how. 

Fortuna and Beatrice stayed painfully silent, watching Rosy despair over her fate. They exchanged glances, and simultaneously hung their heads. Artemis did so as well, being unable to watch Rosy in so much pain. 

“If you don’t live, Rosy, neither will Tytania,” Demetri had awoken, and stood in the arched door frame of the large salon. “Don’t be so selfish.” 

Rosy paused, searching for Demetri with her tear-filled eyes. He continued, “If you don’t live, your soul will be free, but so will the Devil’s.” 

“I d-don’t care!” Rosy countered, pulling herself to her feet as Demetri approached them. 

“You’re more selfish than I thought,” Demetri smirked. “You’re going to let the Devil brutally slay your beloved mother and Artemis while you’re God-knows-where?” 

This silenced Rosy momentarily, and she hesitated slightly with her next words. “They’re strong… they can p-protect themselves!” 

“Perhaps they could, if they were not specifically targeted and just a part of the crowd,” Demetri nodded in mocking thoughtfulness, “But no, Rosy, the Devil wants them dead for meddling in his affairs so often. And they can’t possible take the Devil full-on, can they?” 


“And besides, you would want to protect them, if you truly loved them as they do you.” 

“Don’t say anymore,” Artemis intervened. Demetri dismissed her with nothing but a glance. “All they do to repress that thing inside of you is not just for you, Rosy.” 

“Please, Demetri!” Artemis noticed Rosy’s expression changing. 

“That’s just wishful thinking on your part,” Demetri finished off. “Wish what you want, but be reasonable about it. If you go, those you’re leaving behind will not only mourn you, but be chased and brutalized.” 

Rosy wiped the tears from her face, and stared coldly with narrowed eyes at Demetri. He was unfazed, knowing that at any moment, her eyes could flash red and attack him. Instead, he moved closer to Rosy, and patted the top of her head affectionately. Rosy’s expression instantly softened, and she toppled into Demetri’s arms. 

“T-thank you, Demetri,” Rosy sobbed loudly. 

“You cry too much,” Demetri said jokingly, “It was your sobbing that woke me up.” 

“I’m glad it did,” she cuddled against him as he picked her off her feet. “I almost find it hard to believe you were my enemy once.” 

“Almost?” Demetri snickered. 

“Yes, almost,” Rosy flashed a genuine, whole-hearted smile. It was a first in such a seemingly long time. “You still seem a little mean and evil to me. Y’know, like a bad guy.” 

“Sorry to ignore your royal presences, Queens,” Demetri smiled, bowing his head to the two silent queens. 

“Very well handled, Demetri,” Fortuna beamed, “I’m impressed.” 

Rosy then turned to Artemis, who was happy despite the tears flowing down her cheeks. For a moment, Rosy caught a glimpse of the colourful and breathtaking Artemis of before, with flowing red hair and bright emerald eyes. 

“Demetri, I have a question,” Beatrice spoke morosely. Demetri nodded, urging her to proceed. 

“How did you die?” 

Artemis and Demetri locked gazes. 

Cytheria stood on the edge of a dark green field, marveling at the sight of the full bushes that encompassed it. She had lost Alexei, and wandered about the fields on raised land around Vesta’s palace aimlessly. Bahamut wasn’t present anymore; he had probably been returned to his lair by the resurrected Queens. 

There was a large mess in the back of the castle. The ground was overturned, and five soldiers were carrying the oversized chains that had been used to hold the dragon into the dungeons. Cytheria squinted; silvery white hair had caught her attention. Vesta was there, organizing and ordering the soldiers and workers. Cytheria, at once, dashed downwards towards the castle’s backside, avoiding the obstacles in her path. 

She wanted to know where the ‘Twins of Destruction’ were. She wanted to see them with her own eyes. As she arrived, she was disappointed. It had probably been a hallucination, or the reflection of sunlight. Vesta did not stand there, and in her place stood a man of strong build. Cytheria instantly recognized him.

“Marklen!” Cytheria called out, rushing past the workers. She was panting heavily. Marklen’s eyes met hers, and widened considerably. “Cytheria… Terre?” 

She embraced the man, fighting the tears at the corner of her eyes. 

“You’re a mess,” Marklen noted, “And I almost didn’t recognize you. You’re usually so taciturn and serious.” 

Cytheria laughed, “I’ve missed you.”

“There were rumors that you turned against Queen Vesta,” Marklen’s tone went serious, “Were they true?” 

Cytheria saw no point in lying. “Indeed, they were. But we are on the same side now.” 

Marklen pondered about whether Cytheria should be forgiven. His personal feelings overtook his loyalty to Vesta, and he sighed. Cytheria and Marklen had worked alongside Vesta together for years, and had developed a strong bond of comradeship. 

“Where is Vesta?” Cytheria purposely excluded the ‘Queen’ from Queen Vesta. 

Marklen noticed, and let it pass. “I’m not sure I’m permitted to tell you.” 

“Marklen,” Cytheria stared strongly into his eyes. “This is not the time for your lips to be sealed. I need to know.” 

He surrendered, somehow willingly, “She’s gone. All she told me was that she was going to return with another Queen by her side.” 

Cytheria furrowed her brow. “Hasn’t she already raised the Twins?” 

“Not them.” 

“You don’t mean…” 

“Yes. She’s returning with Queen Cornelia.”

A/N: Thanks for reading, as always! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment. :) 

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