Chapter 2- Sleeping Beauty

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Artemis flopped down on the grassy hill right under the blazing sun and her eyes automatically shut. She panted and placed her hand on her wounded stomach. She felt the warm wetness of the blood and was instantly nauseated. Artemis focused her remaining spiritual energy on healing her wound. She would get Demetri back for this. She exhaled in relief as the pain lessened.

The rush of coldness through her stomach made her smile. The sun pierced through her closed eyelids, making her see glowing pink spots. She was almost there. At Pyre Village, south of the Golden State, where Euphrosyne Rains resided. Artemis covered her eyes with her arms, and drifted off into a troubled sleep.


Young Euphrosyne Rains meandered down the almost-empty street in search for her uncle's shop. Her mother had sent her to gift him with her perfect blackcurrant jam. Euphrosyne's mahogany hair slapped around her face as the wind blew fiercely her way. She pressed the large jar of jam against her chest and waited patiently for the wind to calm.

The streets were not as crowded as usual, fortunately for her. The small Pyre Village had only six shops, so the one hundred people of the village depended solely on these six shops. One of them, a bakery, was run by her Uncle Oscar. Euphrosyne caught sight of the delicious-looking pastries and sweet buns on display, and trotted up happily to the man looking after them. Oscar smiled at her, making the sides of his sky blue eyes crinkle with happiness. His copper hair was cropped short and shone in the sun.

"What can I do for you?" He asked, patting her head affectionately. Euphrosyne grinned and held out the large jar.

"Mother sent me to give you this, uncle," Euphrosyne explained, setting the jar on the counter.

"Take that back.. Your mother should not be giving out so much so freely in these hard times," Oscar shook his head, waving his hand at the jam.

"You're family, uncle!" Euphrosyne countered. Oscar's face softened. He raised his hands in defeat. Then he scanned around his tiny shop and picked up a large straw basket of sweet freshly baked buns. Euphrosyne could not hide her surprise, and gasped. Oscar laughed and gave her the basket.

"Then this is for you!" Oscar exclaimed.

"B-but, Uncle..." Euphrosyne stammered, counting the buns in the basket. The scent was mouth-watering; it made her hungrier than she already was.

"You're family," he winked. "Now run along. Get home before it's dark out."

Euphrosyne nodded and waved her uncle goodbye. While she made her way back, she noticed that the streets were completely deserted now. That was unusual.

She squinted at the hill near her village, noticing a flash of red. She couldn't make out what it was, and her curiosity rose. Euphrosyne pondered for a moment; no one would see her leave the village. She changed her course and cautiously exited the village.

She trudged up the hill, hauling the heavy straw basket of buns carefully.

A woman with outstanding beauty lay fast asleep. The flash of red she had seen was this woman's wavy hair. She had creamy skin, and surprisingly wasn't sweating a bit, even right under the blazing sun.

A sleeping beauty, she thought. Euphrosyne noticed the splattered blood and the tear in the woman's silky white dress. The dress was V-necked, and a beautiful necklace of pearls adorned the skin at her neck. She was as beautiful, and frighteningly, as still as a doll. This wonderful person couldn't be dead. Euphrosyne tapped the woman's shoulder, trying to urge a reaction. Her eyes fluttered open, to Euphrosyne's relief and met the curious young girl's hazel ones.

She slowly sat up.

"I haven't seen you around here, miss." Euphrosyne said politely, moving her dirty brown cloak and taking a seat beside her.

"Oh, did I fall asleep?" the woman asked herself. "Are you from Pyre Village?"

Euphrosyne nodded. The woman scowled, her emerald eyes staring disapprovingly into Euphrosyne's, "You're very young. Why are you so far away from home?"

"Because I saw your hair flash," Euphrosyne sniffed, "I'm sorry for bothering you, miss."

The woman simply smiled and held out her hand for Euphrosyne, "I'm Artemis."

Euphrosyne shook her hand, and heard a sudden growl. Artemis blushed. Euphrosyne giggled and handed her a sweet bun from the basket.

The red-haired beauty hesitated, "May... I?"

Euphrosyne grinned and nodded. Artemis eagerly bit into the bun, "Thank you so much. May I ask you for another favor, young one?"

"Of course," Euphrosyne prodded. She was eager to do whatever this beautiful woman asked. Artemis captivated her.

"Will you accompany me to the Rains' household... in your village?"

Euphrosyne's eyes widened. "I'm sorry, but what business would you have with my family elders?"

"You," Artemis' emerald eyes sparkled intensely. "What is your name?"

Euphrosyne scratched the back of her head, wondering why Artemis would be interested in such an insignificant family, "Euphrosyne Rains."

Artemis froze, but then laughed nervously. "Fate works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?"

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