Chapter 46- Losse Armont

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A/N: This is dedicated to solo_walker, because I realized that I have nothing dedicated to her despite her being such an amazing friend. ^_^ 

            Losse gestured to the lumpy ground in the clearing. Arisa hesitated before sitting; she knew that Rosy and the others were waiting for them, but she simply couldn’t resist. Allegra sat across from Losse, while Ariadne bowed and bid them farewell.

            “Where is she going?” Arisa asked.

            “To get her brother,” Losse responded almost flippantly. “What do you want to know, Mrs. Rains?”

            “Firstly,” Arisa cleared her throat, “Why did you request to see me?”

            Losse pondered for a moment. “Well, you are the only person in Tytania to share my abilities. Would it not be natural for me to want to meet you?”

            “That’s not the real reason,” Arisa clenched her fists. Losse’s shoulders fell with a deep sigh, and he shook the silver strands of his eyes. He didn’t say anything. Arisa gritted her teeth, “Am I an Armont?”

            Losse looked up, surprised. Understanding flashed across his features, and he gave a quiet laugh, “No, Mrs. Rains.”

            Arisa’s chest fell in relief, although she was also slightly disappointed. She had thought that maybe she could discover her origin with Losse. Losse noticed, and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

            Arisa shook her head, and grinned. “Now I want to know about how you found Allegra.”

            A slight blush appeared on Losse’s perfectly pale cheeks, making him appear more breathtaking. His jade green eyes twinkled against the pouring moonlight, and a smirk played on his lips. Allegra feigned a cough.

            “Right,” Losse blinked. “Well, after… Artemis and Allegra finished, I happened to see Artemis walk away with a bloodied sword. Naturally, I was curious and rather suspicious; I’d heard about a red-haired beauty that was said to be a natural born killer and monster.”

            Arisa flinched at hearing such negative things being said about sweet, bright Artemis. Losse continued without comment, “I followed the trail of blood opposite to the direction Artemis walked, and arrived to a house, burning on its very foundations. Although I could have easily extinguished that fire, I rushed inside impulsively.”

            Allegra’s eyes were clouded by the time Losse murmured his next phrase, “I entered to see Allegra’s corpse… bloodied, broken, yet beautiful.”

            He paused. “Without thought, I picked her up and left the house. Of course, I extinguished it. When I saw that Allegra was dead, I felt something I’d never felt before; hatred. It was hatred for the red-haired woman who did this to her.”

            The hairs on Arisa’s neck rose at Losse’s deathly look and sharp tone. “It was the first time I put my raising abilities to use. Allegra woke a day later… and she was confused and remembered almost nothing.

            “Her memories returned by the day,” Losse sighed, “And by each day, she became less dependent on me, and more inclined to go watch over Artemis, her killer. I was angry, and at that time, I desperately wanted Allegra to … remain with me. I had been alone for so long, and Allegra’s brightness had granted me a sort of reprieve.”

            Allegra continued in his place, “And Losse was confused… to why I didn’t hate Artemis for what she did to me.”

            Losse averted his gaze with a frown. “Artemis has changed, I know… But that’s not enough atonement.”

            Allegra placed a hand on her forehead, almost in exasperation. “Losse, isn’t it enough that I’ve forgiven her?”

            Losse made no response while Arisa pondered over what had been recounted to her. Although she agreed with Allegra’s reasoning, she couldn’t help but sympathize with Losse. He was just an innocent bystander that had been sucked into this harsh tale because of his kindness and instant attraction to Allegra.

            “What about you, Arisa?” Losse diverted her attention with his ravishing smirk. “What’s your story?”

            Arisa shut her eyes. “I don’t have one.”

            Losse stood up, “Of course you do. Everyone has their story. You just have to keep searching for its beginning… and its conclusion.”

            Arisa smiled in gratitude, “Thank you, Losse. You’re… different than what I had expected.”

            “Shall we be off to see your daughter, Mrs. Rains?” Losse laughed, giving a hand to both the girls to take. Arisa and Allegra took his hand and pulled themselves to their feet.

            “Please call me Arisa,” Arisa told Losse nervously.

            “I like to say Mrs. Rains,” Losse shrugged. Arisa almost saw young Euphrosyne’s stubbornness and determination in Losse’s grace and in the twinkle of his eyes. The three of them eagerly set off for Vesta’s Palace, where everyone would finally reunite.


            Vesta halted in front of her palace, feeling a sense of extreme ecstasy and happiness at the numerous auras inside. She could sense them all; Queens Beatrice and Fortuna, Rosy, Artemis, Demetri, and Cytheria. She was insanely glad to have rectified the animosity between herself and Cytheria.

            Cytheria had been her most loyal supporter, and Vesta truly cherished her company. Cytheria had never been too influenced or intimidated by Vesta like all her other soldiers, mages, and supporters had been.

            “Vesta?” A familiar and smooth voice called her name with surprise. She turned around, grinning at Alexei.

            “I’m sorry for doubting you, my Queen,” Alexei instantly apologized, before Vesta even had the time to greet him properly. She shut her eyes in acknowledgement, “Thank you, Alexei. But know that I had been on the wrong path until now. I should not have portrayed myself the way I had, even if it was for your, and everyone else’s, protection.”

            Alexei was amused, and his impudence had returned with the easy forgiveness on Vesta’s part. His eyes glittered. “You can’t do everything by yourself, Vesta.”

            “You will address me as Queen Vesta,” Vesta said haughtily but jokingly. Alexei smirked, and bent down in respect, “I understand, my wise and noble Queen.”

            Vesta’s heart clenched. She had so many genuine friends now; it brought her extreme glee, but with it also came despair. These precious allies of her would be exposed to a being far above their own, and would be at risk of losing their lives or being fatally injured.

            “Shall we go in, then?” Alexei inquired, confused at the dazed look in Vesta’s eyes. Vesta nodded quickly, but frowned moments later.

            “Arisa and Allegra are missing?” Vesta bit her lip. “We cannot do anything without Arisa…”

            “What do you mean?” Alexei asked, turning to look at Vesta. She laughed at her forgetfulness.

            “I’ve discovered Queen Cornelia’s body,” Vesta stated, “Arisa should be able to raise her now.”

            Alexei’s mouth almost dropped open, but he simply laughed nervously. “The Queens of Tytania… are all so magnificent.”

           A/N: Hm, the story should pick up pace in the next three to four chapters. Thanks, those, who still faithfully read The Devil's Tear. You have my warm gratitude~ 

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