Chapter 37- The Deadly Duo and The Exedras Twins

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A/N: Enjoy. :3 

 Artemis and Demetri stood motionless in front of the high palace gates, unblemished even after so many years. Xerxes’s palace.

They wondered instantly what might be passing behind the gates. Artemis impatiently kicked the door, which creaked open under the pressure. She cocked her head to the side to peek into the narrow opening. 

“Artemis?” She heard his voice behind her, and her faded black eyes filled with tears. They spilled down her cheeks and she fell into Alexei’s arms. 

“Alexei,” she mumbled, tightening her embrace. How happy she was to know of his safety. “Thank goodness, Alexei. Thank g-god-…” 

“Demetri,” Alexei greeted with a quick smile. 


Hurt passed over Alexei’s features, freezing both Artemis and Demetri. He quickly shook his head, “No, she’s alright… for now.” 

“For now?” Demetri repeated impatiently. Alexei pointed to the door. “Go inside. She’ll be there.” 

“Where are you and Irma going?” Artemis’s eyes traveled to the ominously quiet girl standing still beside Alexei. He glanced at Irma and sighed, “I’m taking her home. She has nothing to do with this, and she’s going to worry her sister.” 

“Goodbye, Irma.” Artemis patted the girl’s head, to which there was no response. “I hope we can meet again.” 

“Go, quickly,” Alexei urged, “You must be itching for an explanation.” 

Artemis gave Alexei another quick embrace, and whispered, “I’m glad you’re alright, Alexei.” 

Alexei gave her his warmest smile. She and Demetri then dashed into the palace, and raced up the red-carpeted stairs. Two enormous auras directed them, and they moved as fast as possible through the narrow hallways. Artemis was breathing hard by the time they arrived to where Demetri had hidden Xerxes’s mirror, and where the auras had directed them. It was not fatigue, but intense anxiety. 

To their intense astonishment, two breathtaking figures cradled Rosy in between them, caressing the young girl’s hair and forehead repeatedly. Beside the dark-haired one lay the ornate box that could destroy them all.

Demetri was speechless. Fortuna and Beatrice Exedras handled Rosy like she was a newborn baby, with utmost care. Gazing into their eyes, he could not believe for a moment that they could harm even an insect. But their auras spoke otherwise. 

“Y-your highnesses…” Artemis spoke quietly. Both of their heads snapped up at once. They greeted the new visitors with reassuring smiles. 

“My Queens,” Demetri bowed his head low, “If you don’t mind… an account of what happened..?” 

To his embarrassment, Fortuna laughed. “Please don’t be afraid of us.” 

Artemis fearlessly made her way across the room, towering over the seated queens. But her eyes lay solely on the sleeping Rosy. She caressed Rosy’s soft cheek, and felt her heart implode with relief. 

“Let’s get to Vesta’s palace, and we shall explain all,” Beatrice compromised, “The two of you look very tired.” 

“T-thank you,” Artemis nodded her head respectfully. 

“Artemis Delara, and Demetri Lyte, is it?” Fortuna confirmed, pulling herself to her feet. “Would one of you secure the mirror?” 

“We are taking it with us?” Demetri asked in bafflement. 

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