Chapter 17- End

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Alexei shut his midnight blue eye, and his heart beat violently as he heard the Bahamut’s familiar growl. To his alarm, there were two presences closing in on him. Alexei opened his eye in time to see Cytheria lunging forward with a sword. Alexei felt his skin tear apart at his forearm, which he had placed over his head.

“Cytheria,” Alexei murmured her name. “It’s been too long.”

Cytheria retracted sharply, never meeting Alexei’s eyes. Alexei jumped off his horse, and shooed him to the side.

“Convenient of you to be alone,” Vesta smiled in victory, placing a hand on Cytheria’s shoulder. “And rather stupid.”

“Shut up,” Alexei growled deeply, summoning his heavy sword. Dark green gas circled the long, thick blade of the sword as Alexei held it protectively in front of him.

“It would be so easy if you simply released Bahamut,” Vesta clicked her tongue. Alexei smirked in response. “What do you want?”

“I want Cornelia to vanish completely,” Vesta said with malice. “I want Bahamut to raise my idols. I want the Devil’s tear to gift my idols once they’ve awoken. I want many things.”

“Idols?” Alexei prodded.

“Beatrice and Fortuna Exedras,” Cytheria answered curtly, and met his eyes for the sole reason of witnessing the horror on his face. Vesta smiled, her silver eyes glistening with a cock of her head.

“I have no intention to fight,” Vesta concluded, releasing the spell on her face. She had placed a spell so that she would be unrecognizable, but she clearly didn’t need it anymore. Her silver hair flowed down her back like pure light.

“I’m sure you don’t,” Alexei rolled his eyes. Cytheria was clearly troubled by the tension in the atmosphere. Vesta frowned, and held out a small piece of clothing. Alexei gasped. His mind was overrun my fleeting images of the Bahamut roaring, flying, tearing apart flesh.

The Bahamut was roused within him, sending unbearable pain through his torso. His midnight blue eye was blinded as the Bahamut’s roar erupted within him. The white piece of cloth, left behind by the Devil’s early ascent, had roused the beast because of the mere knowledge that it belonged to the Devil. One always fears another stronger than him. Vesta tucked the cloth back in her sleeve. Alexei’s sight was obscured, and his concentration had disappeared due to the unimaginable pain. Cytheria tied him with rope. Alexei cringed. He lost consciousness as he was dragged across the grassy ground. The last sound he heard was Vesta’s laughter.


Artemis, Allegra, and Demetri moved swiftly, dodging trees and prominent vines with ease. Demetri came to an abrupt halt.

“Queen Vesta is clever,” he said with sad eyes. “She’s already finished with Alexei.”

“What?” Artemis and Allegra demanded in unison. Demetri nodded reluctantly. “She caused the Bahamut to lose control, therefore weakening Alexei.”

“Is he alive?” Artemis asked worriedly.

“For now,” Demetri soothed. “Let us hurry. We should not forget that Irma is alone with the Devil at the moment.”

Artemis and Allegra nodded lifelessly before dashing off. Demetri spoke while they ran. His voice was barely audible, but loud enough for Allegra and Artemis to hear.

“Vesta seeks to raise the Exedras twins,” Demetri informed. Artemis and Allegra did not stop to react, although this news caused a heavy weight to push down on their shoulders. Demetri briefly looked from his sister to Artemis, and suddenly felt happiness. He smiled.

Stop,” their mistress’ voice ordered. All three obeyed, and bowed low when their mistress caught up with them.

“I, for one, am still alive,” their mistress muttered in between breaths. “I cannot keep up with the dead!”

Artemis snickered openly. Their mistress looked at them, and nodded. “Please be careful, and save Euphrosyne and Irma. If Irma’s innocent blood is shed, then Rosy will complete her transformation.”

“What do you mean?” Demetri asked in confusion.

“The Devil will ultimately gain control over Rosy when Rosy kills an innocent soul with her hands,” their mistress clarified. “The Devil killed you, Artemis, but you were not innocent. He would kill Alexei, but Alexei is not innocent either.”

A period of silence followed.

“Irma, however, is very innocent,” their mistress said. “We are wasting time.”

The four ran for ten more minutes before Demetri stopped them. “Any closer, and we will be exposed.”

Their mistress’ lower lip trembled. Artemis sighed deeply as she saw Rosy tied to a tree, with Irma standing beside her. She pricked her ears.

“Do you think I’m stupid?” Irma asked dryly. With that, Rosy’s head shot up, baring her teeth ominously, and letting out a frightening gurgle. Irma shook her head in pity. “Let Rosy go.”

Allegra grinned. “We were worrying for no reason.”

“Irma is clever,” Demetri acknowledged. “But we do have to worry. Look at Rosy.”

“NO!” Artemis shouted in horror. A small dagger whizzed by Irma’s head dangerously. She spun around, and her eyes widened. Rosy’s face regained its innocence as she absorbed the situation.

“I-irma,” Alexei whispered from behind Vesta and Cytheria. “I’m sorry.”

“You’ve got Euphrosyne tied up,” Vesta noted with approval. “Thank you.”

Irma stepped bravely in front of Rosy, bracing for attack. Cytheria’s eyes efficiently scanned the vicinity. Irma cut the rope expertly with her knife, allowing Rosy to be free.

“What are you going to do?” Vesta asked in amusement. “I can give you a complete life, young Irma. You are ageing faster than usual, are you not?”

“I have already been offered that,” Irma admitted with a smirk. “And I refused!”

Irma flung her knife at Vesta, who dodged it effortlessly. She raised an eyebrow in confusion. Surely Irma would have known that Vesta would dodge it.

“I probably won’t succeed,” Irma laughed nervously. “But I will try. I will try to protect Rosy.”

Vesta waved her hand, and a spiral of wind knocked Irma into the trunk of the tree behind her.

“Please don’t hurt her,” Rosy pleaded. “Take me, but please leave Irma out of this!”

Vesta pulled Alexei into a sitting position and signalled Cytheria.

“You know what to do,” Vesta smirked. Cytheria nodded, placing her sword at Alexei’s neck. Vesta created a ball of raw transparent energy in her left hand, directed at Rosy.

“You’ll die together,” Vesta pitied. She looked from Alexei to Rosy before releasing the ball of energy. Rosy stood her ground, and smiled.

I love you, Artemis.

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