Chapter 5 - Truth?

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You both look at the bed and back at eachother then the question arises who is sleeping where. "I know we just met but I can sleep out on the couch if you want? I really don't want to be a bother"

Heisenberg pauses and looks at me. " Sweetheart the bed is big enough for both of us trust me you wont even know I'm here." I'm shocked he's so comfortable with this.

 "Ok fine but keep to yourself sir"

"I will sweetheart trust me" he winks and goes into the bathroom. I hear the sound of water he must be showering. 

I notice he had left his rather large coat on the bed curiosity takes over me and I wonder, where that note could be. I listen carefully for the shower to make sure he wouldn't catch me snooping around. I go through the pockets and find the note it was folded into a tiny square. I unfold it and read.

"To whom it might concern the girl is but another bio-weapon like the rest of my experiments, her abilities are very limited compared to my other experiments but she shows more potential. Her body had taken the Cadou perfectly but with one side effect that has made her unfit for my darling daughter Eva. When her body is put into direct sunlight she starts to burn at an extreme rate causing third-degree burns in the skin. Luckily she has been granted regenerative abilities which heals her wounds but leaves massive scarring." 

Below I read "Known Abilities"

Before I could read further though I heard the water stop, quickly I re-folded the letter and shoved it in the jacket like before. I watch the bathroom door open and see a half naked Heisenberg walk out. I look and examine his upper body.

"Hey dumbass, take a picture, it will last longer." Heisenberg uttered at me, and I looked away fast, blushing bright red.

"If you wanted you could hop in the shower I'm sure after today you would want to."

"Thank you for the offer." I quickly walked into the bathroom to avoid letting him see how red I was. The bathroom was full of steam, I jumped in the shower and started to clean myself, I couldn't remember the last time I showered.

Time passes and I walk out in a towel. I notice Heisenberg is already in bed sleeping. I also notice the clothes laying on the bed in front of me. "Did he lay these out for me?" I think to myself. I turned my back to the bed just in case he was only fake sleeping. I drop my towel and change into the oversized shirt. I jump into bed and roll on my side. I'm exhausted but questions consume my thoughts. Who am I? What am I? What is this place and how did I get here? 

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