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new messages...

-Sorry! I had to power my phone
down or else it would have just
kept ringing.

I'm just glad you are okay!
It was a very dangerous
situation for any hero, even
someone as capable as yourself.

-Yeah, I was pretty upset.

-Those villains were so proud
of what they did to all those people.
It wasn't supposed to happen.

Deku, are you okay? I know that
situation can wear a person down.

-Well yeah. I am so angry with
myself. I can't believe I reacted
that way. I should have just taken
some hits instead.

If you took that hit I would be
pissed. Someone should have
given you back up, or something!
You had to handle everything alone
and what if you got seriously hurt
from one blow? Then everyone
would be screwed.

-I suppose your right. Thanks, it
makes me feel a bit better.

-I was honestly beating myself up
over the whole thing. I can't believe
that they were trying to as they said
"remove the weakest heroes" when
they can even face those pros head on,
and relied on cheap tricks.

Yeah, I'm glad you are safe.
Also I might take Hatsume up on
doing a redesign on my suit. It's very
difficult at my agency to get much
attention from the department.

-Maybe you should switch agencies
then. You would be great at any place
and should be treated better. Besides
Hatsume would love to rework it.

Maybe I should. Considering that I
"insulted" them when I was wearing
something that didn't "fit my theme"
that was stupid. It's not like I mind the
theme, but it's not something that
should rule over practicality.

-Well I think you make the bug theme
cute. I look like a rabbit when I have my
hood up.


I was glad Izuku was okay and safe. My heart pounded rereading the messages he sent me. It was the first time he had talked to me in three weeks. He went back to hero work before turning on his phone.
It had me worried, I sat up and sighed staring at the screen. I had not seen him in over two months. I suppose that just happens with big time heroes. They are busy and I'm not important enough to be busy.

I had just gotten off shift. I shoved hero uniform into my duffel bag. I saw the little inner pocket filled with keychains of pro heroes. I recently added a little Deku keychain. I had to admit I needed lots of keychains. I had a key on each one; house key had my little Roach keychain, my pro hero locker key had Pinky, my PO Box for fan mail had Uravity, my apartment mailbox had Creati, my motorcycle key was Cellophane, Earphone Jack was on my ID keycard, and now I had my gym locker key on a Deku keychain.

It was nice to be able to support my friends. I also get to keep them around when I am alone. I quickly pulled up the directions for Hatsume's lab. The sky held a sort of angry look, ready to release a snowstorm at any moment. I was wearing my new favorite sweats that I got from hibernation over my tights and tank top, then my second and third hoodies on with another layer of baggy sweatpants. I was still cold.

Heroes of War- Izuku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now