Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend too

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a/n: hey, u guys probably HATE me for not updating, im so sorry. ive been having major writers block and just haven't had the time or motivation. i finally have no assignments and i have holidays in 3 weeks! I will update as much as i can, again im so sorry! please comment and press the star thingy! 

also, how much longer do you want me to make this story? i am happy to continue it until you want me to stop so please let me know when it gets boring cuz im running out of storylines HAHAHA.

also if you didnt realise, most of the titles of my chapters are actually song lyrics. did you want me to write an update at the end of my story of all the names of the songs? 

- author x

Elena's POV

It was the next day, I walked into the hospital through the large doors and headed up stairs. I changed into my dark blue scrubs and hoped that I wouldn't have bumped into Stefan. When we had our conversation last night he was drunk, so I hoped he didn't remember any of it today. I opened an iPad and checked my schedule, a few consults and then down in the ER all day. I prayed there wasn't a big trauma as he would have most likely been paged, then I would've had to deal with him all day. I love him but I could never have brought myself between him and Katerina. That wouldn't have been very fair on her, it's not her fault that Stefan has been indecisive. 

As I walked into the ER, I got paged 911 to one of the trauma rooms. I opened the door and saw Mark, Lexie and Meredith already in there. Thank god there was no Stefan.

''What do we got?'' I said as I looked over her vitals. 

''25 year old female Khloe Williams, she was stabbed in the abdomen multiple times, a few broken bones and major bruising to most of her body. She's got a brain bleed on top of all of that.'' Mark said as he continued to assess her.

''Domestic violence, hit and run?'' I questioned as I pulled out an ultrasound machine. 

''Probably one of the two.'' Lexie said. I began to ultrasound her abdomen looking for internal bleeding.

''Shit. Page Kepner, I'm going to need some extra help in surgery she has a massive internal bleed.''

''She's on maternity leave remember.'' Lexie said jogging my memory. 

''Crap right, umm, page Callie then please. 911 to the OR, iI'll fill her in once we are up there. Let's go.'' I said as we prepared her for transport. This poor girl had a brain bleed, broken bones, internal bleeding, and some major facial lacerations. Lexie was performing a craniotomy, Callie was fixing the bones, Meredith and I were focused on the internal bleed, and Mark was stitching her facial Lacerations. We hurried into OR 2, scrubbed and gowned and we were ready to start. All the surgeries were being performed at the same time to limit OR time and minimise her surgeries. 

We began or surgeries, surprisingly Khloe was holding on very well and was stable for most of the surgery. We engaged in small talk and light conversations. 

''So Mark, Lexie, how's Louis doing?'' I asked attempting to deepen the conversation. 

''Wonderful! He's 1 and a half now!'' My brother said proudly. 

''He's quite the chatter box.'' Lexie said with a laugh. 

''And you Meredith, how are the kids?'' I asked

''Oh they're great! Zola is so smart, always winning awards, Bailey's hair is slowly getting darker like Dereks, and Ellis looks more like me every day.'' She smiled under her mask. 

''That's great!'' I replied.

''What about you sis? How you doing?'' Mark asked me. I hesitated for a second contemplating lying or telling him the truth. Mark and I had gotten a lot closer over the past year, we had definitely become more like brother and sister. 

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