Chapter 5 - I think I like him more than I originally planned to

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January 14th

*Iris's P.O.V.*

On the day at the boardwalk when I was messing around with Mitch I realized something, I think I might like Mitch. It's a silly thought, he would never like someone like me and I'm leaving at the end of next year, I don't want to break my heart. This is all running through my head as I lay in bed, staring at a now familiar ceiling. my phone dings and I check the time 8:50. I was going to Skype Preston at 9 so I got up and got dressed.

I Skype Preston at 9 when he said he would be available between recordings. His smile shows up on my computer screen and I smile as well. "Hey cactus" I say he laughs "Hey eye" I shake my head "So how is it there?" he asks. "It's fun, the other day we went to a boardwalk" I say. "So Mitch, Jerome, and Ryan treating you nice" he asks. I laugh.

He was always overprotective especially when my dad and brother passed away in my second year of collage, he was the overprotective father/brother. "Yes they are treating me very nicely, you don't need to harm them" I say. "So when do you start work?" he asks "On the 20th but I can work from home because my computer is amazing" I say.

"I still can't believe that your computer is better than mine or any of my friends I mean, we're gamers" he says. I smile "Well I develop the games you play so..." Preston rolls his eyes and we talk some more. "So are you taking care of my cello" I ask. "Yeah" he says but I can tell he's keeping something from me. I shrug it off, "I gotta record some Mini games with some plebs I gotta go" he says.

I smile "Bye cactus" I say "Bye eye" I hang up and spin around in my chair. I hear a knock on my door and I go answer it. It was Mitch "Hey, what's up?" I ask. He shrugs "Just wondering if you wanted to hang out" he asks. "Sure, come on in." I say. He walks in and I close the door behind him. He starts brewing a coffee and I sigh. "I was talking to Myra, the girl from the candy store and she said she played the bass" I say.

Mitch looks over "Oh, you really want your cello don't you" he says. I nod "But I can't because I don't trust it to be luggage and I didn't trust the moving van." I say. He nods "What if I told you Preston is driving all the way from Texas to here with your cello and staying for the week" he says. "I wouldn't believe you" I say. "Well after your Skype call he left" Mitch says.

I smile widely and run up to him and hug him tight "Thank you sooo much" I say in his shoulder. He hugs back and says "I saw how much you wanted it so I asked, well begged, Preston to come." He says. "What did it take?" I ask knowing Preston wouldn't just drive my cello for free. "A lot of bribing" he says. "You shouldn't have paid Preston to bring my cello" I say.

"But I wanted to" he says, I roll my eyes. "He gets here in 2 days, he's staying overnight in hotels and stopping by some places on the way." I nod and smile, I realize we're still hugging and blush pulling away. We go out to my back yard which was grass and I "fall" in the middle of it. Mitch comes over to help me up but I pull him down on top of me. We laugh and he puts his hands on either side of my face.

I blush, realizing how close we are and he leans in and so do I. Our lips almost touch but his phone rings and we jump apart. I blush a deep color of red and Mitch answers the phone. He hangs up and says "I gotta go". I smile and stand up, so does he. I hug him and kiss his cheek "Thank you again for everything" I say. He smiles and walks to his house.

I sigh, I'm in for it, I can't get in a relationship, we will just be a mess when I have to leave. I fall on my couch and look at an old photo of me and Preston. I know it's been 14 days but it will be nice to see him again. I am also looking forward to playing my cello, maybe me and Myra can do a duet. I look up a duet for cello and I saw one that caught my eye Somewhere only we know, I used to love that song. I buy the sheet music and print it out.

I call Myra and talk to her about playing it when I get my cello. Maybe we can start a quartet or a trio or something, I just want a way to play my cello. It has been my way of coping with losing my family, music, I even sang for a bit but I find myself at home sitting in the middle of nowhere if I have my cello. I fall asleep curled up on my couch thinking about my music and what I will play when I get my cello.



<3 DarkStar

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