15. Ever Since New York

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I inhale deeply against her hair, notes of jasmine and coconut invade my senses and nearly cause my eyes to flutter. My arms squeeze around her one last time to soak it in and make up for the last three days I've been apart. I didn't think I'd miss this scent so much but I pathetically did for a good reason— it smells like home to me.

I know she's going to ask me how it went but I have yet to recuperate from it all. I've spent the entire plane ride in a damp mood. The trip made me annoyed and angry. Disappointed that it didn't go as I thought it would. So I'm in no mood to talk about it.

Coming home was the only thing to perk me up after a seven-hour nonstop flight and an additional thirty-minute taxi ride from the airport. Opening the door to my living room tidy and my dining table adorably set up, to the delicious aroma of my favourite food and my cinnamon candle, and Lacey quietly humming in the kitchen was enough to make me surrender to my knees and kiss the earth.

When she popped her head out of the kitchen, every single nerve inside my body felt warm. Twinged with new excitement. Neither of us hesitated to meet halfway for a limb-crushing hug.

And when she finally asked, one word immediately came to mind to wrap up what a shit-show New York was.

"It was a fucking disaster."

I sigh as I pull away to throw my heavy body onto my couch and rest my head above the velvet plush pillow. The exhaustion fully set in when I sat down. I rub some of the tension away from my face but it doesn't work. I haven't felt completely relaxed in what seemed like an eternity. And I know all too well of a quick way to do so.

"What happened?" Her sweet voice rings beside me, the shift of the couch slightly moves and I know she's beside me without needing to look.

My hands fall to my lap and hers come over instantly. It was pure instinct at this point to squeeze her hand back. This was all I wanted coming back to New York— touch her, talk with her, be with her. It had ended up being the incentive for me to get through the trip after the meeting went to shit. The reward was exactly this.

But I didn't want her to see me like this. I hated feeling so down when I should be the total opposite now that I'm here. I couldn't quite talk about it yet because it all felt so fresh and I didn't want to ruin the moment I've been looking forward to.


I open my eyes at the sound of her voice again. My feet start to move before I can fully consider my next moves. I have to lighten up before I can get into it. If she sees how annoyed and stressed I am, she will only want to fix it. Selfishly, I could use a few more hugs and kisses from her but the thought of being pitied might only make it worse.

I quietly curse, throwing both the drawers of my nightstand open and closed for a second time after a quick scan before accepting that my trusty pack of cigarettes were gone. I meant to throw them out after I decided to quit indefinitely two weeks ago but I never got to it. I badly wanted to scratch the itch my stress had imposed so I settled for the next best thing.

"Where are you going?"

"Gonna get fucking high."

I hated being so dismissive with her, especially tonight. Out of all moments I picked to be a moody prick (or grumpy as she would call it), I sure chose a good one.

I tell myself it'll be fine in a few minutes then we can finally settle back into the routine we created in a short month. I had to hold my tongue from asking her to join me in my backyard and secretly hope she comes anyway.

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