19. Stargazing

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With my head rested on the makeshift pillow and my eyes gazed upward, each star twinkled across the darkness. You could look at one and see all of them at once, it seemed. Almost every bright dot above flickered and winked at you, gleaming as if it were powered glitter. Like something had crushed up diamonds and sprinkled the dust into the night sky.

If you watched the scene attentively, you'd probably get graced with a shining white light for less than a second. A glowing blip that went away as soon as it was spotted. One blink and it was gone. Only a wish of your deepest desires to commemorate its short existence was left.

And if you turned your head to the left, your eyes landed on something even brighter and bigger. The moon sat and illuminated like a giant pearl with an edge scraped off across the velvet black as well. It shined down on us as if she had something to say but because it wasn't full yet, the darkness of the crescent still kept a secret of hers hidden, remaining a mystery of the heavens. This is probably my favorite sight and night from this trip thus far.

My friends and I have found a spot not too far from the house and set up somewhat of a campsite. It was practically part of the backyard, only hidden further in the forest part of the area. We brought all the sleeping bags we can find (six) and chairs to rest on (five) while we were out here. We came here a little while ago and wanted to get some air and stargaze for a bit.

The top of the sleeping bag gets peeled open, removing its warmth for a brief moment as they slide inside. I don't need to turn my head to know it's Eli. He had gotten up a few minutes ago to go to the bathroom inside the house. I scoot to the side while he gets closer and lays his head again on the jumbled snow jacket we used as our pillow. This sleeping bag was made for one person but we both fit if we pressed against the other, which shouldn't feel as awkward as it does.

"Do you feel any rocks? There's one that's been jabbing at my side," Eli mumbles as he shifts again, flipping the top of the sleeping bag back down. He nearly knocks his dark red flannel-covered elbow into my face when he removes the obstacle from underneath the blanket. He lays back down and sighs. "There we go."

I hummed quietly to acknowledge him. I bring my arms up to cross them and tuck my hands under my armpits to make up for the warmth I lost in the last few minutes.

"How many shooting stars have you seen?" He turns to face me.

"A lot." I feel myself starting to smile at the beauty above me. I had never seen a shooting star or a sky that looked like this until tonight.

"What are you wishing for? Each one counts," He chuckles.

"Oh," I mumble, my eyes falling to the dark outlines of the tall trees surrounding us. "I haven't been. I forgot."

"We're back," Sierra announces, her and Liam's feet shuffling rocks on the dirt as they return.

"Finally," Louis says, his teeth chattering. He's rolled up tightly inside his sleeping bag. "I'm fucking freezing."

They begin tossing everyone a blanket and more coats to cuddle with. We initially didn't bring as many because we hadn't anticipated the light breeze that came out of nowhere. The deeper we had gone into the woods, the thinner and colder the air felt.

"Hey, so I wanted to talk to you about something," Eli says beside me, the string of words automatically making me nervous.

I turn to him, glazing my eyes curiously over his brown eyes and the new dark stubble taking place along his jaw and above his lips. "About what?"

"Yo," Liam walked over to us just when Eli took a deep breath. He stood at our feet with a small stack of blankets in his hands. "You guys want another blanket? We brought enough for everyone."

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