47. Sweet Like The Summer

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I tug the soft fabric over my chest and chilly fingers, inhaling Harry's cologne threaded into his cardigan he let me wear all night, including on the stroll we took around my neighborhood with Ziggy. It was still hot during the day but as soon as the sun disappeared, the wind grew thinner.

We had just gotten back, the walk helped the delicious food Harry made settled down in our bellies and reenergize us enough to start the movie he suggested earlier. I contently sigh when my back hits the velvet cushion and my body begins to rest again.

"No fucking way."

My head turns in the direction of Harry's voice in the kitchen, smiling because I knew he found the box of cookies Melinda gave us. I sent him away for the short treasure hunt as soon as he had brought up that we haven't had dessert yet.

"Did you find it?" I ask anyway. Ziggy scurried off to the kitchen when he heard Harry. I swear that dog is becoming more and more infatuated with him the more he hangs out around here.

"Is this what I think it is?" Harry steps out of the kitchen holding up the cookies and a smile on his face. Ziggy follows the box around with his eyes.

I nod. "Do you wanna warm them up a bit? There's also vanilla ice cream if you want."

"I'm on it," he says before I even finished with Ziggy trailing behind. "You're on movie duty! No, not you, Zigs. You've already had your little treat, don't even think about it."

I lazily reach forward to grab the remote off the coffee table by only using my arm, my body still worn out from today's activities. I cuddle back into the pillows I propped under me as I blink at the bright TV screen and search for Notting Hill.

"There better be a happy ending," I call out as my thumb hovers over the soft buttons, "or else what's the point?"

I hear Harry's chuckle echoed in the kitchen. "You're just gonna have to watch. I'm not spoiling anything."

He comes back two minutes later and hands me a deep mug filled with a generous scoop of ice cream and a giant gooey cookie gently pressed down the middle. He grabs both of my ankles and lays my calves down on his lap, holding up his mug in the other hand. He had also moved Ziggy's bed closer to the couch so he can accompany us while we watch and hang out here for a while.

"How is it?"

"Good as fuck," his voice slightly muffled around his first bite.

I laugh and scoop more ice cream onto my spoon and set it down over my tongue. He sets his mug down on the table when we both realize we didn't have a blanket. He didn't even let me get one inch up and nearly bolted towards my room to grab one from my bed. He positioned us the same way after he comes back and lays the blanket over our legs.

I had already finished half of my dessert by the time I started the movie. My concentration was set mainly on the way Harry's hand drew slow strokes along my shin as the beginning credits rolled in.

Each time I laughed at something happening on the screen I felt Harry's gaze on me and took it as a direct compliment to his movie suggestion. Or when the two main characters were interacting for whatever reason, the hopeless romantic in me would grin beneath my blanket and lightly squeal out of excitement because I was waiting for the moment that they'd finally get together. Harry also took this straight to his ego and smiled like he knew I'd love this movie.

"You look a lot like Hugh Grant," I mindlessly tell him and laugh when he looks at me in bewilderment.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do." I laugh again. "You guys have the same hair and almost the same eye color. And you're both British. I'm not saying you guys are twins but you have similar vibes."

That Summer Feeling: SUMMER 4EVER [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now