48. Just Like Summer Rain

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She may be the face I can't forget

She appears like a hazy figure at the end of my bed then drizzles over me like honey. She is rubbing her hands all over my body as if she's tracing clouds. She plants her lips all across my skin like seeds in dirt buried just in time for the rain. She lays on my chest like a feather and keeps me warm and grounded. She is my sweet, sweet Ace.

It feels so real the way her lips are kissing me and calling out my name like no one ever has before.

"Harry." A kiss. I feel it on my neck this time. "Harry." Another kiss. It's right below my ear. "Harry." It's her giggle. I can recognize it anywhere.

She may be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings

"Harryyy," she calls out in a raspy voice that makes my tummy clench so hard I can feel it in my toes. The sound grows simultaneously quieter and louder. Then she's escaping from my grip. I don't want her to go. I don't want to let her go.

"Hm," I try calling out to her but my lips feel glued. They can't get her full name out. The hazy figure over me is now disappearing, going back into fluffy pink clouds. Then I can't see the colours anymore, just a black sight. I try calling her name out, blindly searching for any part of her to drag her back into my arms but she's nowhere to be found.

"Harry." Her laugh is so much louder now. There's a weight on my chest again only it's heavier this time. The sweet scent I can only associate with her hits me immediately. "Wake up!"

"Hm?" My eyes open halfway, and the light of the room burns directly into my retinas. My neck is stiff when I slowly roll it to sit straight. My hands instinctively move forward and realize they're languidly resting beside a person. The figure. Her.

"Time to get up, lovey."

My eyes open wider when I felt something plushy poke my cheek. My vision is now set on a stuffed white bunny with floppy ears and beady ears directly over my face. The one that sat between her pillows.

"Lacey?" My voice sounds like it's being dragged out by gravel.

The bunny's nose pokes around my face, stimulating dry, soft kisses over my tired skin. My ears ring with the melodic sound of her laughter. My lips twitch, wanting to extend into the fullness of a smile. It is her. She's here. She never left.

"Get up." She moves the bunny away. Her face suddenly replaces my view. Her legs bracket my hips as she sits up against my stomach, my hands naturally drop around the plump of her thighs. She looks like the morning sun, the cold dew along the grass, and the colour of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Am I still dreaming?

"Blink once if you're awake."

My eyes settle along the soft curve of her rosy cheeks and fall to the lift of her smile. No, I'm not dreaming. Thank god this isn't a dream.

I don't want to close my eyes even just for the length of a single blink because I don't want to waste any time not looking at her. But I do so anyway once her demand processes in the fog of my head. Those lips can get me to do anything, dream or not.

Her smile widens after I blink slowly. The bunny in her hands comes into view again, the ears start wiggling as she moves it around with her hands.

"Good. Now get up."

I reach out to it with a hand and attempt to take the plushie from her but she's too quick for my groggy state. She clutches it close to her chest and rises to her knees.

That Summer Feeling: SUMMER 4EVER [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now