22. Happy, Free, Confused, & Lonely

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Zayn walks out of the master bathroom and a series of gasps of awes is heard around the room. The jet black of his hair is now completely stripped to a shiny platinum blonde. The tattoos around his neck and head stood out so much more as did his dark features like his eyes and brows.

"Holy shit, it looks amazing!" Gigi was the first to jump from the bed and run up to him, grabbing his head and touching the new look. "You got, like, a trillion levels hotter, babe."

"It really suits you, Zayn." Bella smiles at the couple.

"Yeah, you did so good, Maggie," I grin at her when she comes out behind them with a blue towel in her hands and a modest smile.

"I wish I could just bleach my hair like nothing." Bella softly chuckles.

"Whoa, whoa!" Liam whistles when he comes in and looks at him. "Bro, you're blonde now? What the fuck, and you didn't tell me?"

"Had to go all out for the party." Zayn shrugs and waves a hand, flipping imaginary long hair while Gigi still has her hands clinging to the back of his neck. "Super sick job, mate. Thanks again." He smiles, bumping his fist to Maggie's.

"You did his hair?" Liam looks at Maggie. She nods her head in response. "Damn, Mags, you've got talent." He throws his arm around her shoulders while her smile grows wider.

"I've actually been thinking about going to cosmetology school or I don't know, like taking classes or something," she admits sheepishly.

"You totally should. I'll let you practice on me." Liam grins and winks at her.

"Okay." Maggie looks at the floor, her cheeks reddening.

I turn to Bella and see she's already looking at me with the same knowing smile. We both look at Gigi and see she's also noticed.

"I'm serious. I've been needing a haircut for weeks. Work your magic on me."

"I said okay," Maggie giggles.

I look at Bella again. Our smiles grew.

"I'm gonna go show Niall," Zayn says after he pulls back from a short kiss to Gigi's lips, looking at Maggie as he walks towards the door. "Let me know if my payment went through."

"Who wants shots?" Sam stands by the door with a grin shortly after Zayn had left, her brows raised to the hairline of her ponytail.

"You've read my mind, Sammy Sam." Liam moves his arm from Maggie and walks toward her. "Let's do it. I'm digging that top, by the way."

Gigi spoke for all of us when she told them that we'll go in a bit. Their voices fade as they walk away. I look at Maggie and notice her smile is gone, her shoulders deflated like a popped balloon.

Gigi quickly closes the door then looks at Maggie. "What was that?"

Her eyes meet Gigi's. "What?"

"Mags..." Bella turns her attention on her from the bed. "Is there any chance you..."

"What?" She chuckles a little.

"Do you like Liam?" Gigi cuts to the chase after we all exchange a look.

"What?" Maggie laughs. "Uh, no. On what planet would I like Liam?" She forces a louder laugh. "No way."

That Summer Feeling: SUMMER 4EVER [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now