38. Cool for the Summer

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The heavy bass has been rapidly pumping throughout my chest the whole night. The colorful strobe lights above are the only thing guiding my sight. It's hot and sweaty and surprisingly crowded for a club in the middle of nowhere.

We've been waiting a few days to come here tonight. Actually, we've been waiting all summer to have a proper night out with everyone for no real reason other than the timing. The end of summer. To have an excuse to get all dressed up, drink, and dance all night. It took strategic planning and a bit of time to get down here because we only had one car to work with but we're here now. That's all that matters.

A mixture of sweet drinks and shots courses along my veins in a stream that's only swimming downward and hits my bladder every thirty minutes. I have to rush in between the moving bodies and toward the dimly lit restrooms in the boots Bella let me borrow again and fight my white bodysuit off to let it all out and get back to the dance floor before a good song starts.

This time when I exit the restrooms in a hurry, my waist gets caught by a pair of strong arms. I automatically know it's Harry, thankfully.

"There she is!" His lips wetly smush against my neck several times, making little bubbly giggles escape me. "Hi, pretty baby. Where were you?"

Harry's drunk. Like incredibly drunk.

He took the same number of shots and drinks I have plus about ten more. I don't know what's come over him to be able to take all of them and still stand somewhat upright for the past hour. I officially think this is the drunkest I've ever seen him. The boys, who've known him longer than I have, all agree that tonight is definitely up there for him. It was a fascinating and bizarre sight to witness.

He's enjoying himself which in turn makes me enjoy myself. I've never laughed so hard watching another person run and dance around the room to every song. The DJ is only playing hit songs from before 2012 so it's hard to escape the dance floor in between because they're all club classics. It's especially hard to want to go sit down and take a break when Harry's kept me attached to his hip the entire time. Another fun trait of Intoxicated Harry is how affectionate he gets.

"Bathroom," I reply and turn around in his arms. I couldn't say anything else if I wanted to because his lips were on mine the second I faced him. Our tongues slack together, wet with salvia and citrusy tequila.

All night his hands have become more attached to my hips, arms, shoulders, and just about everywhere else. Though his words began to string and slur together more, it didn't stop him from constantly flirting and using them to tease the shit out of me. I've had to stop him a few times from kissing me because I was just so out of breath from both constantly making out with him and dancing.

It was exciting to finally be out in public and around all of our friends and not have to hide or use personas to be this close to each other. It was so freeing and addicting, just like the good old days. I couldn't keep my hands away from him the entire night either.

"Let me buy you a drink," I manage to hear him say before his damp palm grasps my hand. He drags me to the bar and keeps his grip on me as he shouts over the music to reach the bartender. He links his hands behind my back while we wait.

"How are you feeling? Still good?" I do my hourly check in with him. With slightly impaired vision, I looked across his shiny face and meet with a crooked grin and blown-out pupils.

"I've never felt better."

I smile at his response. My head slightly tilts up when he steps closer until his chest is flush with mine. I hold onto the back of his neck and lean in when he does, kissing him with everything I have. Because I'm also very tipsy, it's easier for me to give into these urges and be as affectionate with him as I feel.

That Summer Feeling: SUMMER 4EVER [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now