17. Something About Us

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"Why are you awake?"

"Well, hello to you too, Harry." I chuckle, pausing the show on my laptop so I could only hear him.

His laugh makes butterflies erupt in my belly, even through the receiver. "Hi, darling. Are you at my flat?"

"Yeah," I softly sigh, stretching out my legs in front of me. I called as soon as he texted me that he got back to the hotel, wanting to hear his voice. "Got here a few hours ago."

"What are you up to? It's late over there, isn't it?"

"Mhm." It's almost two in the morning in London. Five hours ahead of New York. "Nothing much. Can't sleep." As well as I do with you, I almost add. "How was your day? How'd the meeting go?"

"Long. Weird. Boring." I hear him heavily exhale, causing a pout of my own. He's been waiting for months for this trip and I hated that it didn't sound like it was as good as we both hoped. "Only good thing about it was the pizza they brought in." The line is quiet for a few seconds, tempting me to fill the silence with my curiosity but he continues, "Just glad I get to see you tomorrow. How was dinner?"

He's changing the subject, focusing on me instead. He doesn't want to talk about it. So I don't dive into that natural curiosity he ignited.

"Gooood," I drag a bit, my hands mindlessly toying with the edge of my shirt—or rather, his shirt. "Jerry chose a Mexican restaurant near his school and they had a special deal on margaritas."

"Oh, yeah?" I hear the smile in his voice which makes one of my own appear.

"Had like three." A tiny hiccup escapes. "I think."

He chuckles. "Feeling alright, love?"

"Yeah," I hum, crossing an ankle over the other, my hand playing with the ends of my damp strands now. "The guys kept me company until, like, midnight. Niall took everyone home, dropped me off here. I took a shower, made brownies, and now I'm lying in your bed, missing you."

He quietly groans, the sound quickening my pulse. "That's quite the image— you in my bed, freshly showered."

"Are you in bed too?" My voice comes out softer, almost as if it didn't want anyone but him to hear me.

"I am now. M'very lonely without you beside me."

He had the power to make me blush and he's not even here.

"Want you to be here," he adds, sweet honey coating his voice. "To touch you, to touch me."

"Me too," I softly sigh.

"Tell me something, petal." His voice lowered an octave and I already know I'm done for. "Has anyone ever made you cum over the phone?"

The heat rises in my cheeks. "No."

"Will you let me be the first and only who does?"

My heartbeat races, my head tilts to the side as if I could already feel him, laying kisses across my neck and hovering his hands around my body. "Yes."

"Good. Take off your underwear."


The bed was empty when I woke up. I laid there for a good while, not thinking about anything in particular. Only listening to the sound of my friends upstairs already up and starting their day.

Jerry's been gone for a few days, now back home with his mother. It was so nice seeing him and hanging out with him again. I'm looking forward to doing it again when he goes back to Richard's at the end of the summer so I can see him again before school and life in general starts.

That Summer Feeling: SUMMER 4EVER [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now