25. Summertime in Paris

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The light appeared a muted pink outside. The birds were beginning to chirp and signify the start of the day. I'd use a pile of the dirty snow outside as my bed if it meant sleeping in but today I don't mind the early wake-up call.

Our first "mission" of the day, as Harry called it, was to pack a bag and sneak out of the house at 6:30 in the morning. It was the only way for us to leave without getting bombarded with questions because everyone is still asleep.

I woke up from a restless sleep. I was too anxious and excited that I got up before my alarm. I was careful not to disrupt Jerry, who's still blissfully passed out on the couch we shared last night. I quickly grabbed what I thought I would need for a whole week away and stuffed it into my bag.

No part of me was hesitant to do this. As soon as Harry asked if I wanted to come along with him to the ski lodge, I agreed. Probably a little too quick. Then he backtracked and offered to drive me there and drop me off for the week or to stay in a different room but this was his compensation just as much as it was mine. And admittedly, I probably wouldn't go at all if Harry didn't.

No one but him truly knows what happened between Eli and me. He was the first one I told and he was the first one there for me. I can't imagine how the next few days— or the rest of the summer would go if he wasn't here to keep me stable. His company was enough to make me forget about the last two shitty days.

So he slipped out of the room last night to secretly call the lodge to reserve the room and they happily booked it for today, which is why we only had a limited amount of time to pack and plan out what our week there will look like.

After triple checking I had everything with me and making myself look as presentable as I can manage at this hour, I quietly crept up the stairs with my bags. I spot Harry right away, standing in the kitchen with his back facing towards me as he leaned over the island countertop. He had his cozy green coat on and dark blue sweats. A brown leather duffel bag sat by his dirty white vans. The sight of him alone was like I shot up instant coffee into my veins.

When I reached him, I could see he was scribbling something down on a lined ripped piece of paper. He looks at me and smiles, puffy pale green eyes and rosy lips still outlined with sleep. His usual pink beanie under a black hood.

"Morning." I couldn't hold back a smile.

"Morning. Thought I was going to have to go wake you up." He softly chuckles and my smile widens. "Ready?"

I nod, gripping the handle of my bag in anticipation for what's to come. "I'm ready. What are you doing?"

He glances at the sheet and turns it towards me so I could read it. Right away, I knew this was the second mission we agreed upon when Jerry fell asleep mid-episode: leave a note so we don't have to talk to anyone in case they try to come with or stop us.

I know how it might look. Harry and I sneaking off to a hotel right after Eli and I broke up without telling anyone. But I couldn't find the energy or time to explain what it actually is. A vacation from a vacation, I guess. A simple getaway. And an excuse not to be in the same house as the guy who cheated on me less than 20 feet away from me with someone I know. I needed this more than anything right now.

Off to redeem an offer from Sunny Bunny. Be back soon-ish? - Harry & Lacey

"Soon-ish?" I laugh, fighting off a jar full of butterflies in my stomach from seeing our names written together in his handwriting.

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