8. Feed the Fire

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The red deck of cards spread around a tall, clear glass on top of the wooden table. They're face down before us, holding our imminent destiny. It was Louis who had suggested we play Ring of Fire for our first game night here.

It had been a slow first week. We were still adjusting to the new place, new times zones, and new weather. It was only a matter of time until we grew bored of laying around the house and pulled out the board games and alcohol.

"Everyone's drinking, correct?" Louis holds up a thick bottle of clear tequila. There's a playful lift of his lips. "Otherwise this game will not be fun."

I look to my right when I hear Eli holler with everyone else when Louis starts serving everyone a shot. I guess he's completely okay with this, which makes me feel better. I'd been worried about him being left out of the group or any activities since he's just getting to know them and because his sprained ankle hasn't allowed him to do a lot. I realize now it's silly to worry because everyone has been so warm and welcoming.

Well, almost everyone.

My eyes betray me and look over to my left. Harry was sitting on one of the two single sofa chairs, practically right next to me. He moves a hand through his thick curls before pulling his black hoodie over them. His fingers briefly smooth his mustache before landing on his lap, intertwining his hands over his white shorts. I look away before I'm caught.

I stare at the cards, knowing the point of the game was to drink. Everyone else was in a good mood and I was too. I didn't want to ruin it by being the only one flaking out of the game, especially the first one of the summer. Liam would never let me forget it.

"Cheers to the first game night of the summer!"

I hesitate before bringing the shot up to my throat. I cringe a bit, quickly chasing it with soda. The first shot is always the hardest but surprisingly, it was smoother and easier to take than expected.

Louis claps his hands, exhaling harshly. "Right then. Who's going first?"

"Gigi," Liam immediately says with a smile, "the lady of the house."

"Aw, okay." She leans forward and picks up the first card, glancing at it first before showing it to the group and peering her eyes around. "Two. I choose...you."

"Me?" Louis shakes his head and raises his drink to his mouth. "This feels personal already."

"It's just a game that you are making us play. That's all." She sends him an innocent smile.

We go in a counter-clockwise direction so Zoey goes next. She picks up the card furthest from her and smiles as soon as she flips it over.

"Five. Sorry, boys."

"What? That's not the rule." Liam frowns.

"Five is guys."

"No, that's six. Six is dicks."

Louis snorts. "Six is what?"

Liam fights the urge to laugh. "Shut up."

"No, six is chicks," Zoey retorts.

"No, that's four. You know, 'cause four...whores."

Zoey rolls her eyes. "We're not playing that rule, it's stupid."

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