9. Thin Ice Ice Baby

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I've learned the hard way that Eli has a habit of throwing his limbs around the bed, mindlessly thrashing them around and getting one or two accidental whacks in. I'm not used to sharing a bed with someone anymore and I think we've spent the night together two, maybe three, times so I didn't realize how much of a restless, heavy sleeper he was.

The reason I am up so early this morning is that I was startled awake. Forced to be up. His hand was on top of my face, my skin slightly stinging from the impact I barely felt because I was in deep sleep.

I was shocked at first and stayed frozen for a few seconds to absorb it. I wondered if he would wake up because of the smack and realize what happened. As soon as his loud snore broke the silence in the room, I began to silently laugh. I had to peel his heavy hand off my face while he continued to sleep.

I couldn't fall back asleep after that so I took a quick warm shower to energize myself and start the day right. I enjoyed a quiet morning to myself— sitting on a stool in the kitchen eating a peach flavored yogurt while watching birds fly past the large window to the large lush trees on this nice sunny day.

"What's up, Winters?"

I raise a brow at Liam when he enters the room. I should have guessed. "What's up?"

"Isn't it funny how your last name is Winters?"

I chuckle around my spoon. "I guess."

"Where does it even come from—" He stops, his eyes zeroed in on the counter. "Uh, you didn't eat one, right?"

"Eat what?"

He points at the glass Tupperware sitting in the middle of the counter, sealed with a teal plastic lid. "Cookies."

I scrape the bottom of my yogurt cup with my spoon. "Yeah, why?"


"It tasted a little weird, by the way."

"Oh, god." His hands land on top of the Tupperware, panic washes over his face. "Did you actually eat one? Like an entire cookie? Or multiple?"

"Is there a problem? I thought they were for everyone since they were out—"

"These cookies have weed in them, Lacey." He runs a hand through his hair, exhaling through his nose. "I went to go get a sticky note to label them then I stubbed my toe so fucking hard on the desk. I'll be honest, I cried a little and nearly fucking fainted. Then I got distracted again 'cause I forgot what I was looking for—"

His neck snaps to look at me when I laugh. I have to cover my mouth with a hand to refrain from waking up the whole house.

"What? What's so funny? Oh, god. Did they get to you already? Shit, you accidentally ate an edible again and it's all my fault."

"Liam, relax." My laughter slowly ceases. "I didn't eat one."

His eyes stay double their size. "Really?"

"Yes." I chuckle. "The kitchen smelled funny as soon as I walked in. Put two and two together when you walked in. It explains why you're up early."

He exhales, lips spreading to a relieved smile. "You got me good, Lace. I am so paranoid of accidentally drugging people ever since Vegas. Whew, what a fucking relief."

"Did you really wake up early to bake them?"

He nods. "At the ass crack of dawn. I wanted it to be a surprise. Niall's been bugging me to make brownies again but he hasn't gotten a chance to try my cookies. I've perfected the recipe over winter break."

I nod and stand to throw my empty yogurt cup away. When I return with a small glass of water, Liam's looking at me with a tiny smirk. "You want one?"

"Now? It's, like, 9 am."

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