What's Next?

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What's Next?

Thank you so much for reading and supporting Chasing Mr. Right until the end! But this is not the end for the Love Wins Series. I will start the 3rd installment to the Love Wins Series soon, and here are some stories to watch out for next to CMR!

The Perfect Man To Love
Love Wins Series #3 Installment
Xavier and Heather's story

Description: Heather was told that she should love the perfect man so she's on the hunt for him. When she met Xavier Perez, the seemingly perfect man, the search is over. But the thing is, he never falls in love. He never does that thing. He likes everything to be under his control and no way he is going to let love be in command of him.

NOTE: TPMTL is already posted! Kindly visit my profile to check out the Prologue. The expected schedule of updates is every two weeks (hopefully, if I'm not swamped with school works and other deadlines).

The Man Who Saved My Heart
Caleb Adriel Iñiguez's story (Symon's co-Student Council Member in College of Liberal Arts who is taking International Studies)
Description: "I broke my heart for trusting the wrong one. Can I risk my broken heart again for trusting another person? Maybe Caleb is worth the risk. Maybe it's true that he will never break my heart. Or, maybe not."
—Angel Celine Alvarez

Why Don't You Love Me?
Tristan and Kenzie's story (Symon's friends in law school)
Description: Mackenzie Claire Mariano entered law school at the age of 25. Along her law school journey, she became friends with Symon Gale Valera and Tristan Stefan de la Vega who are both five years younger than her. They got each other's backs, especially Tristan to Kenzie. Until one day, Tristan confessed to Kenzie that he has feelings for her. But Kenzie is already fed up with love and she doesn't trust Tristan to be her boyfriend. But Tristan is willing to do everything for her, even to wait for her to be ready.

Please be informed also that Chasing Mr. Right (English Version) will be published in Hinovel. Not yet sure if there will be any changes or added scenes but I will sort things out along the way of uploading. I will really appreciate your support to CMR in Hinovel and also to my other stories.

Thank you so much again and I hope you had learned a thing or two from Symon and Anya's love story. First and foremost, let us all know that the right person knows how to love us the way that we deserve. We don't need to beg anyone to stay or to love us! And also, not all painful memories and experiences are bad, they are part of who we are and what makes us strong. So hold your head up high and conquer the world!

- Carmela B.M.

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