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i rewind the tape but all it does it pause,
on the very moment all was lost...

- evermore, taylor swift

4  y e a r s l a t e r

New York City

The city that never slept. Before moving there, Sabrina never understood why people would refer to it as that. Now she understood. The girl had that in common with the city. Sleep had always been something rare to her. She would usually get home late anyway from the office, always thinking she would pass out as soon as her body felt the softness of her duvet, but her brain would never be able to shut off. During the hours she was unable to fall asleep, she would try to be as productive as possible. Answer some emails, work on her business' website, watch movies, listen to Taylor Swift. Anything to keep her occupied and her mind from drifting to the past.

Living in New York for the past three years, she had always been somewhat lonely, which didn't bother her. She had always been somewhat independent until Calum came along, but that was over with now. Even with her current boyfriend, she still was very closed off. They didn't live together and they rarely went out. He only came over on his own time or when it was good for him. She had fallen back into her lonely ways of living. No one to greet her when she arrived home except her dog, Shawn. No one to come eat lunch with her at her work. No one to cuddle up to at night. No one to cook for except herself and occasionally Shawn. Sabrina wasn't necessarily in her prime years, but she was content with how she was living. She did miss having her friends around thought. So when Sierra had mentioned that her and Luke were to be in town, Sabrina was ecstatic.

"So how's married life been treating you guys?" Sabrina asked, sending a warm smile towards the dark haired girl. Sierra instantly grinned and set her drink down, starting to ramble about her experience being married. The two were sat in the middle of a burger joint, since Sierra was craving a burger, waiting on their food to be served.

"Ugh it's more wonderful than I expected. Maybe that's because I married Luke, I don't know, but I do know I wouldn't have life any other way. He can get on my nerves sometime of course, but that's just Luke" Sierra playfully rolled her eyes and let out a laugh as Sabrina reciprocated. "His cooking has definitely not improved though"

Sabrina shook her head and looked down at the rings on her finger. Sabrina thought about marriage quite often, her wedding specifically. She wondered what her wedding would be like and who she would end up with at the alter, if she even did get the chance to get married. Some of the nights where she couldn't sleep, she would scroll on pinterest browsing through wedding stuff. She had always wondered what it would be like to be committed to someone for life, yearning for the life Luke and Sierra now had.

"We are not having our wedding theme as dark green, are you insane?!" Sabrina widened her eyes, slapping Calum's shoulder.

"Oh, says the girl who's a Slytherin" Calum shot back at her. She squinted her eyes at him, not even understanding how he thought that was a comeback.

"You're crazy" She shook her head, pulling out her phone. "I feel like a champagne color or a dusty rose would be so pretty"

She scrolled through her pinned posts on pinterest, showing Calum the dusty rose themed wedding pictures. Calum raised his eyebrows and slightly nodded, taking the phone in his hand and scrolling some.

lover of mine | c.hTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang