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"Hey man, you good?" Ashton asked Calum as he patted him on the back. The boys had decided to drag Calum out to go drinking, even though Calum wasn't a huge fan of the idea.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Calum nodded his head. "Just tired is all"

That was a lie.

Calum was confused. He didn't know where he was at this point of life. He had always been content with his way of living. He always made sure to think before he spoke. He was sure of his career path. By the age of 21, he thought his life was set. But now, he didn't know what was in store for him. He hadn't released any new music. His ex randomly appeared back in his life. And he was with a girl who he wasn't even sure if he was in love with. He always had wondered where in his life he had went wrong.

And then he remembered.


"Yeah" Calum mumbled, taking a gulp of the whiskey in the glass cup that sat in his hands. Sabrina walked in the living room with a small smile on her face as she took a seat next to Calum who was slumped against the couch.

"I have some news" Sabrina started to say. She bit her cheek and took a deep breath before speaking, scared of Calum's reaction. "I got a job offer"

"A job?" Calum quirked an eyebrow up, turning his head towards his girlfriend. She nodded, trying to hold back the smile on her face.

"Y-yeah, kind of" Sabrina stuttered. "My publicist called me earlier. It was about my makeup line. And you know how I've been working on some clothing designs too. Well, I'm getting my own brand. I'll have an office, a whole building for it, Cal"

"That's great, Sabrina" Calum lightly smiled. Sabrina's smile faltered on her face seeing Calum's not so genuine reaction.

"That's not all" She trailed off. "Tara's having me open it in New York"

And that's when shit hit the fan.

"New York?"

"Yeah" Sabrina sighed. "New York is better than Los Angeles if I want to go into the fashion industry. I mean, I could totally manage here, but Tara thinks it's a better opportunity for me to leave for new york"

Sabrina stared at Calum expectantly, waiting for some type of response. Calum just sat in his spot, his nostrils flaring.

"So you're leaving?"

"In a few weeks. But Calum, you can come with me. We can get our own apartment, we can take both Shawn and Duke. We can get one of those nice penthouses with the floor to ceiling windows" Sabrina wiggled her eyebrows. But Calum didn't budge. He clenched his jaw and gulped back another cup of whiskey. "I think it would be good for us. Aren't you happy for me?"

"I can't just pack up and move to New York, Sabrina" Calum said, standing up from the couch with his empty glass. "I have my own career here, or at least what's left of it"

Sabrina's eyes flickered down to Calum's hand as she sighed. He was slowly still recovering from his hand injury due to the car accident that had happened in the previous months. Nerves in his left hand had been damaged as the drunk driver collided with him, which caused him to not be able to play bass for a while. Now, he was progressively getting better, but from time to time his hand would give out. Sabrina had been there by his side throughout the whole thing, but he didn't really handle it well. Obviously he wasn't since he had decided to turn to alcohol.

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