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"Cal, Sabrina's getting hangry" Ashton spoke over the phone. "You told her you were only getting a bag and food, you've been gone too long for her to believe that excuse"

"I'm at the hotel now, Ash. Tell her I'll be there soon and that I just got sidetracked" Calum told him. Mumbles were heard for a few moments, then Ashton started to speak again in a hushed voice.

"So did you take care of-"

"Yes" Calum cut him off. "I did"

"I was just asking" Ashton calmly said, still sensing that Calum was on edge. Calum sighed and apologized for snapping, which Ashton accepted. "I'll see you when you get back. Sab wants In N Out"

"Of course she does" Calum chuckled. The two said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Calum then went to the messy drawers in his hotel room to stuff some random clothes in a bag. He didn't want Sabrina alone for a while, so he thought that him and Ashton would take turns once Sabrina wasn't so on edge.

As he was folding a pair of shorts to put in his bag, the same brown journal from a few weeks ago caught his eye. He set down the shorts he was holding and picked up the journal, opening it to a random page.

december 14, 2014

san fran

i can still taste you like it was yesterday
making plans to rule the world
you were more than i deserved
i see you running in the sand
long hair blowing in the wind
never thought that it would end

i wanna get back to where we started
to that summer night

Calum's teeth gripped his bottom lip as he recalled the memories of the reason behind San Francisco. It was the year before Sounds Good Feels Good came out. The two had known each other for more than a year, and Calum had finally had the courage to ask Sabrina out.

"Guys, shouldn't we be heading back to the hotel?" Ashton asked. "We have to go back to Los Angeles tomorrow"

"Just a few more minutes, Ash. Luke, first one to get pushed in the water has to eat sand" Michael said.

"Oh, you're on" Luke laughed, the two racing towards the area where the sand met the water.

"I better make sure they don't go and drown" Ashton told Calum and Sabrina, following the two teenagers. Sabrina shook her head and glanced at Calum who had been awfully quiet.

"What's going on in your head, hood?" Sabrina inquired. Calum let out a soft sigh and turned his body to face Sabrina. Her skin was practically glowing from the firelight. She looked breathtaking. He never wanted that night to end.

"Just thinking about how you have to go back tomorrow" Calum mumbled.

"I'll be back in a few weeks" Sabrina sadly smiled.

"I know. I just wish you didn't have to go" Calum said.

"I don't want to but I have to. Summer's almost over, babe" Sabrina lightly laughed. Calum frowned and nodded his head, not really knowing what to say. When he opened his mouth yo speak, he was cut off by Sabrina. "You don't have to say anything. You're going to make this sadder than it has to me"

"Rina" Calum whined. Sabrina pushed his face and giggled, getting up from her place on the towel and ran off.

"Come get me" Sabrina sang through her laughter. Calum shook his head and ran off after the girl running through the sand, her long black hair blowing in the wind. He never wanted the moment to end.

Calum had finally managed to catch up to Sabrina, due to his longer legs, and wrapped his arms around her figure, earning a squeal out of her.

"Lovebirds! Hurry up, let's go" Ashton called out to the two with Michael and Luke following after him. They were completely soaked and had taken off their skinny jeans, being left in their boxer briefs, causing Calum to whistle at them. Michael just flipped Calum off and made his way to the car.

"Race you back to the car?" Sabrina smirked. Calum didn't say anything as Sabrina was already running back to the vehicle. Calum let out a loud groan and chased after her, reaching the car and taking his seat in the back with her.

"All that running made me tired" Sabrina heavily breathed. "Shit, i'm out of shape"

"Here, come here" Calum wrapped his arm around her as she leaned in, shutting her eyes. After Ashton checked to make sure everyone's seatbelts were on, he drove off. And Calum held her as she slept on the way back to Los Angeles, wishing they could stay that way forever.

Calum jumped at the sound of banging on his hotel door, dropping the journal and regaining his thoughts. He walked towards the door and opened it to see his girlfriend standing there.

"Gabi, hey" Calum raised his eyebrows in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see what you were doing" She shrugged, taking it upon herself to walk in the room. She took notice in the half filled duffel bag on Calum's bed and became confused.

"Going somewhere?" She questioned. Calum looked between the girl and the bag before walking over to it so he could stuff a few more things in it.

"Yeah, uh, Ashton and Sabrina need my help"

"Oh with what?" Gabi crossed her arms.

"Band stuff?" Calum hesitated, his words coming out as more of a question.

"So Sabrina's part of the band now?"

"I mean, she does write stuff for us sometimes" Calum shrugged, bringing a hand up to his neck. Gabi narrowed her eyes at the man, causing him to let out a sigh. "Something happened. Me and Ashton are just trying to make sure Sabrina is safe"

"Of course" Gabi scoffed. Calum huffed and zipped the duffel bag, grabbing it into his hands. He was still on edge from the whole situation but no matter how much Gabi was pissing him off, he didn't want to take things out on her.

"Gabi. I care about Sabrina and I'm going to make sure she is safe. I'm not putting her above you, but this is just one of my priorities right now" Calum told her. He placed a quick kiss on her cheek and grabbed his phone, heading towards the door. "I'll call you later"

"Love you!" Gabi spoke out as Calum shut the door. Without saying anything in response, he left. He wasn't sure why he didn't say anything to Gabi. It would probably cause an even bigger rift between the two, but it didn't matter to him. All that mattered in that moment of time was making sure Sabrina was safe.

And he made sure of it.

a/n: ugh i am sorry it's been a couple of days i usually don't take this long. if you haven't seen my announcement board, then i'll explain. my boyfriend's dad and stepmom, who we do NOT stan either one of them, told him they were moving. they informed him of it on sunday and then proceeded to move two hours away on monday. they didn't inform anyone not even his real mom. even though she doesn't have custody, what they did is illegal. she spoke with her lawyer and they're trying everything to do to get my boyfriend back in our town. the environment he's in is just so toxic and mentally abusive it hurts me so much knowing he's forced to stay with them. his mom now has a court date for august 31st and in the mean time she's trying to get temporary custody of him so he will not have to stay with them. it's been so hard on both me and his mom so i've been spending quite a bit of time with her lately. hopefully everything works out for the best and he'll be back soon! in the mean time i'll try my best to update as much as i can. i have this whole book planned out i'm just suffering from writers block due to all of my emotions swirling around.

comment any predictions, questions, concerns. i love you all so much !!!

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