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Hard work and productivity was a big part of Sabrina's life.  She had been raised on the idea that things wouldn't automatically be handed to her. Her dad taught her how to work hard for what she wanted and to be responsible with her belongings. People automatically assumed since she was born into a pretty wealthy family that everything was served to her on a silver platter, but it was quite the opposite. And that was something Jake didn't understand. So when he wanted her to put her business at stake, she was not having it.

"Jake, I don't know what you want me to tell you" Sabrina sighed, poking around her salad she had bought from across the street. The young women shoved a few more bites of her salad into her mouth, biting into a bad piece of chicken. Sabrina was very picky when it came to food, specifically meats. She hated any type of weird piece on the food like grizzle or fat, just anything unusual. It made her gag and sometimes even caused her to throw up "Oh my-"

The door swung open as Sabrina was spitting her chewed up food into her desk side trash can. She stopped in her tracks and turned around, spitting the rest of the food out and quickly standing up, smoothing her pantsuit out. "I'm gonna let you go, Jake, just call me later"

Sabrina huffed and ignored his protests as she slammed down her phone, frustrated with the man she referred to as her boyfriend. Pictures from Luke and Sierra's party had surfaced of Jake being severely drunk and acting crazy at the party, including being around a number of girls.

That wasn't even the worst part.

Jake had called Sabrina expecting her to speak up and defend him about the articles and posts surrounding the issues. When she told him she wouldn't do it, he did not appreciate it. He didn't understand that her getting even more involved with his party animal antics would be bad publicity for the company and her brand. Sabrina did have a feeling that Jake was going to act out at the party, but she knew she couldn't have stopped it. Jake had a mind of his own and she had no say in his actions whatsoever.

"What did I tell you about knocking, Olivia" Sabrina sighed and rubbed a hand over her face, looking at her assistant. The girl was obviously very scared of her boss, which Sabrina hated. She didn't think of herself as intimidating but the look on her assistants face said otherwise.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Williams" Olivia rushed out. "It won't happen again"

"Olivia, you can call me Sabrina" She informed the girl, even though she had already reminded Olivia that fact more than once. Olivia vigorously nodded her head and turned on her heels, reaching outside the door to grab items for Sabrina.

"Sorry" She apologized once again. Sabrina sent the girl a comforting smile and motioned for Olivia to explain what she had initially entered the office for. "Um, I found some sketches that you had locked up a few months back. I just thought you might want them for the line"

Sabrina grabbed the papers from her hands and let out a breath, leaning back on her desk and giving the papers a hard look. Olivia must have noticed the look on her face as she started to apologize again, feeling guilty for bringing her something she was clearly uncomfortable with.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed you'd want them, I just-"

"No, it's okay" Sabrina assured her assistant, causing slight relief to show on the younger girl's face. "I just sort of forgot about these"

Sabrina had drawn up the designs a few years back while she still lived with Calum. She was never necessarily planning on becoming a designer one day, so she never really took her designs seriously. When she moved to New York, she had brought them with her and decided to store them just for safe keeping. Looking at the designs, brought back so many memories to the women. As her mind flooded with flashbacks, she chewed on the straw of her drink, lost in thought. She must've not realized she was squeezing the cup so hard until after the drink had spilt all over her top.

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