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Sabrina didn't know what was going through her mind when she texted Calum asking if they could hang out. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to turn around and go to her ex's place, when the argument with her boyfriend that had previously occurred was mainly because of her ex. She wanted to doubt herself. She wanted to question her decision making skills. But it was too late. She was already leaned up against the headboard of the king sized bed in his hotel room, while Calum was laying across the end. The hotel room was rather nice. It wasn't too fancy, but it was obviously quite expensive. There was a huge flat screen television screen attached to the wall, along with a couch on the far side of the room, if that's what you could call it. It was a huge amount of space for only one person. Shit, he has Gabi. Well there was one person for most of the time.

"When will you stop bringing up the Ashton thing"

Calum roared with laughter as Sabrina recorded him, throwing a chicken nugget at his head. She immediately regretted it though and asked for the piece of food back. After going back and forth a few times, Calum eventually complied and returned it back to her.

"What? I'm sorry, it's funny!" Calum exclaimed. Sabrina rolled her eyes and saved the video she had taken to her snapchat memories. She turned her phone off and set it down, giving him an unamused look. She hated when anyone brought up the topic. It was at the very beginning of when Sabrina first befriended the band. In her defense, it was during his bandana era.

"Do you want anything to eat Sabrina?" Ashton asked the girl. She had been hanging out with them ever since their encounter at the restaurant a few months back, and was currently sat in their hotel room. The fan girl in her eventually died down, but the boys were still in awe that they had managed to befriend a girl, let alone their favorite youtuber.

"Just get me some fries" She shrugged. Ashton nodded and told the boys he'd be back, and then went on his way to get food for the five of them. He was the oldest out of the four, and he was the drummer. He was just a sweet and caring person overall. All of the boys were, especially Calum, but Ashton was the nicest out of them all.

"Why are you looking at Ashton like that?"

Sabrina snapped her head towards Michael, pulling her from her thoughts about the drummer.

"What? I wasn't looking at him like anything"

"Holy shit" He covered his mouth. "You have a crush on Ashton!"

Sabrina's face reddened as those words came out of Michael's mouth. She instantly flew towards him and pushed her hand over his lips, feeling his laughter again the palm of her hand.

"Michael, shut up, I do not!" She told him.

"What's going on?" Luke walked in with Calum trailing behind him on his phone.

"Nothing" Sabrina stated. She removed her hand from Michael's face and felt content when the boy didn't say anything else.

But she spoke too soon.

"Sabrina likes Ashton"


"What?!" Luke screeched. It was rather loud, a little too loud, which made Sabrina wince a bit.

"You like Ashton?" Calum questioned.

"No, I don't" Sabrina groaned, throwing herself back again the couch. "I just think he's cute"

"Oh, so what am I then, Sabrina?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, are we just ugly to you? What does he have that we don't?" Luke questioned her with major attitude laced in his voice.

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