a/n please read i promise its worth it

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y'all don't hate me, i KNOW i've been slacking. i've been so so busy with drill team practices and going on trips and i've been trying my hardest to stay on top of myself so that's why i came up with some sort of schedule. i also just got my wisdom teeth out so there will be a few videos at the end of this announcement. i haven't even done a face reveal since i was in like seventh grade so pls i look like a potato in these videos but i could honestly care less, everyone on this app feels like my best friend so please feel special 😩 but ive been in a bunch of pain, i can barely open my mouth, both sides of my face are so swollen, i can't even smile right. ive been sleeping a bunch but when i am awake, ive been writing and trying to keep myself busy to keep you guys updated and happy!

the schedule will beeeee:
(i'm also including lil descriptions for my new books)

lover of mine |  c.h

august | c.h

when a summer fling turns into something more/
when amara meets calum on her graduation trip after falling down a waterslide only to crash into him

this is a very summery book in my opinion which i love. it definitely won't be a slow burn like my other books are/have been, but the drama will make up for it. i'm super excited for it and it'll be updated every wednesday so if you want to check it out please do!!

gold rush | l.h

when addison meets rockstar luke hemmings
and it's hate at first sight

my first luke book ahhhh. this introduction definitely doesn't do the story justice, but let me explain! addison, the main character, meets luke through her best friend who is in his total bad boy era. this takes place in the sounds good feels good era. also some references and situations in this book is in no way intended to be offensive towards luke when he was in his dark time, that was definitely not my intention. im super excited for this book. it won't just be solely based on addison and luke's relationship, but you'll also be able to see the different relationships she has with the other characters along with her self growth. i just love her character and story overall and i'm super excited to share it with you guys!!!

okay so i hope all of that makes sense. i'm trying my hardest to keep you guys updated and give you all the content you deserve ESPECIALLY with this book since i left you guys hanging on a cliffhanger for like two years, which i apologize again for.

also a HUGE thank you to all of you guys and the endless amount of support i've been getting especially on my first book, who do you love. the comments and fans are a big part of what keep me going. i love each and every one of y'all!!

now now now , i have some videos from my wisdom teeth removal aftermath i thought you guys might enjoy seeing. i'm giving you guys a blood warning tho because my mouth in some angles does not look the prettiest so


also i apologize for how many times i'm touching my mouth IT MAKES ME WANT TO GAG

okay okay that's all i hope you enjoyed that video of me🙄🙄🙄 i love you guys and i promise i have plenty in store for you!!

lover of mine | c.hHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin