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"Watch TMZ think we're dating and release pictures of us"

"Wouldn't be the first time" Ashton snorted. Sabrina let out a laugh and followed the man up the steps. The band was having a small get together with just them and their significant others at Michael and  Crystal's penthouse. Since Ashton was currently single, he didn't want to show up to the house with a random girl, so he turned to Sabrina. At first she was a little hesitant due to the fact she'd be having to face Gabi and Calum in the same room. But as much as she wanted to say bail, she couldn't say no to Ashton.

"Ashrina has arrived" Michael yelled as the pair walked into the penthouse. He greeted them with a hug and two solo cups. "Drink up. Ash, the guys are gonna play beer pong, c'mon"

"I'll be there in a minute" Ashton patted Michael's shoulder. Michael nodded and ran off towards the kitchen, disappearing behind the door. Sabrina sniffed what was in the cup and made a face, smelling the fireball laced in the drink.

"I'm gonna be sick" She muttered. Last time she had fireball, she suffered a horrible hangover but not before the party animal Sabrina made an appearance. It was the first time the band had ever seen that side of her, but definitely not the last. She just never swore to drink fireball again.

"Hey, man, it's good to see you" Roy said, giving Calum a pat on his shoulder.

"It's been a while. Been busy with tour" Calum told him.

"I get it" Roy nodded. "Sabrina's around here somewhere. Hey, how are you guys? Have you asked her yet?"

"Not yet" Calum sighed. "I want her to move in with me, it's just- Oh, fuck"

Roy furrowed his eyebrows and turned, only to see the one and only Sabrina Williams dancing on a table and singing to "End Game" by Taylor Swift.

"You better go get your girl, Hood" Roy laughed. Calum mumbled under his breath and glanced at Roy one last time before going over to the table Sabrina was dancing on. He had to admit she did look good, but no one else deserved to see her in that state.

"Calum!" Sabrina squealed as soon as she saw her boyfriend trying to yank her down from the table. She clumsily stepped her way off of the table and wrapped her arms around his neck, placing a kiss on his lips. He chuckled at her boldness in such a public place, remembering her hatred of PDA.

"Hey, babe" He kissed her forehead. "You having fun?"

"So much fun" She nodded. Calum held back a laugh at his girlfriend, clearly noticing the slur in her words. He thought it was quite funny seeing her in this state. Other times he may had been a bit more protective, but he hadn't seen her a while. The boys had been doing some promotional shows for youngblood, but Sabrina hadn't been able to go to all of them due to her own career. She had been stuck in Los Angeles with Duke spending the night over at her house, but she didn't mind.

"How much have you had to drink?" He asked her.

"Just a few shots. Like four or five, maybe eight" She said in an obvious tone. "But don't worry it wasn't anything too strong. Just fireball. And i'm not even driving tonight. Sierra picked me up from my house and brought me here"

"Oh lord" Calum muttered. Sabrina just giggled and placed another small kiss on Calum's neck. His eyes widened as he tried moving his neck away from her reach. "Sab, not here"

"It's just a kiss" She whined.

"You know what you're doing" He looked down at her.

"Maybe I do" She looked up at him with a pair of innocent eyes. He stared down at her taking in her appearance. Her dark brown hair, almost black, was draped over her shoulders. It was Calum's favorite way she wore her hair. "I just wanna be closer. I haven't touched- I mean, seen you in ages"

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