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"Hey, I got here as fast as I could. Is everything okay?" Ashton spoke as soon as Calum opened the door to Sabrina's apartment. He was very curious as to why Calum was at her place in the first place, but didn't question it due to the worry that was laced in his voice. Ashton had always been the first person Calum went to. Yes, the whole band was close but Ashton and Calum had a bit of a different bond. Ever since Ashton had first entered the band, the two instantly bonded and developed a tight knit bond that no one could come in between, not even Sabrina. It did help though that Sabrina also developed that tight knit bond with the boy as well, unlike Gabi.

"No" Calum sighs, trying to control his anger. "Here, come inside"

"What happened? Is Sabrina okay? Did something happen between the two of you?" Ashton spewed out question after question, noticing Calum's distress and becoming more and more curious.

"Ash, I really don't know what to do" Calum pushed his face into his hands. "Fuck, how do I even say this"

"Calum, what's wrong. Is Sabrina alright?" Ashton set a hand on the mans shoulder, worry bubbling inside of him.

"No, she isn't" Calum snapped. "Jake beat the living shit out of her"

"I'm sorry, what?" Ashton's voice raised along with his eyebrows, causing Calum to shush him.

"Lower your voice, Sabrina's just in the living room" Calum told him. "I'm pretty sure they got into an argument and Jake just went apeshit. She hasn't given me any details"

"How bad is it?" Ashton asked, trying to keep his thoughts and actions calm and collected. He was just as angry as Calum was. Sabrina was one of his best friends and just like a sister to him. The thought of anyone hurting her, especially someone who claimed they loved her, made him sick to his stomach.

"It's bad. One of her eyes are swollen shut. There's bruises on her neck and arms, maybe even her legs. I haven't asked her to show me all of them. I'm not sure I even want to know the details, they'll probably just fuel my anger even more" Calum shook his head as he spoke. One of the main things that was on his mind were making sure Sabrina was comfortable and safe. The other one was making sure Jake got his karma one way or another. "I don't think she wants anyone else knowing. She seems embarrassed about the situation, even though she shouldn't"

"No, she shouldn't be" Ashton huffed. "Does she know you called me?"

"Yeah, I made sure to tell her" Calum nodded. "I called to see if you could stay with her for a bit while I go take care of something"

"What is that something?" Ashton raised an eyebrow.

"Ash.." Calum started to say, knowing that the man was going to start going dad mode on him.

"Just be careful, Calum" Ashton warned him. "Make sure you don't do anything major that will affect you and your career. As much as I want Jake to suffer, I'm sure both me and Sabrina worry more about your safety"

"I know. I'll be fine" Calum assured him. "Just please stay with her"

"Of course. She's my best friend" Ashton told him. "Besides you of course"

"Yeah, yeah, we all know you wrote 'Best Friend' about her" Calum rolled his eyes. "C'mon, she's in the living room"

The last time Calum had checked on Sabrina she was peacefully sleeping on the couch, after coming out of her room to eat her banana nut bread since she didn't want any crumbs in her bed. But now as Ashton and Calum walked in the living room, Sabrina appeared to be sitting up and scanning through Netflix on the flat screen in front of her.

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