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Sabrina wasn't sure that she was in the right state of mind when she accepted Jake's apology. It may have been a mix of the tequila in her system and the shock from the news of Calum's potential proposal. It may not have been the brightest idea, but all that mattered to her in that moment was getting over Calum once and for all. She needed to figure out how  to be around him without her past feelings arising. She could've gone the "independent women" route, but that didn't work out so well for her last time.

"I'm glad we made up" Jake smiled at her. A small smile washed over Sabrina's face as she squeezed hand. She wasn't sure if his statement was genuine or not, but the way he looked at her seemed was enough. A small grin was present on his face as his eyes were trained carefully onto Sabrina. As shitty as it sounded, maybe all she yearned for at the time was to not be lonely. Even if Jake wasn't the best person, she felt wanted by him. If it meant not having to sit in the dreadful silence of being alone for even the shortest amount of time, she would take it.

"Me too" Sabrina said.

"I'm sorry for being how I was" He apologized once again while pouring some more whiskey in his glass. Sabrina kept her gaze on the cup a little longer than needed, memories arising in her brain once again.

"You told me you were done drinking"

"I guess I lied" Calum sighed, taking a gulp of the straight whiskey in his glass.

"That seems to be the case a lot these days" Sabrina muttered under her breath, walking into the kitchen.

"What am I suppose to do, Sabrina" Calum raised his voice. After hearing no response from Sabrina, he jolted up from the couch and stormed into the kitchen. "It's the only thing that helps. If you have any other ideas then please, enlighten me"

"How about letting your girlfriend help you" Sabrina finally fought back. "I have been waiting and waiting for you to finally open up to me, but I feel like there's no use. I get I can't force anything out of you, and that's okay. But when you start relying on alcohol and then sit here and tell me you have nothing else, that is not okay"

"What am I suppose to tell you Sabrina?" Calum exclaimed. "That I'm sitting here hurting from no career. That I feel useless and feel like I have no purpose anymore"

"Yes! Tell me that, Calum, and let me be here for you!" Sabrina cried. "You've surrounded yourself with walls once again, and I don't know how to break them. I am suppose to be the one you turn to. I don't know how many times it'll take for that to get through your head"

"Damn it, Sabrina" Calum shouted, slamming his glass down a little harder than expected. The cup shattered all over the counter as both people jumped from the sudden action. Sabrina's breath hitched in her throat as she stared blankly at the broken shards of glass scattered across the hard surface. Calum's heavy breathing slowed and his face softened, realizing what he had done. "Sabrina-"

"Just leave me alone" Her voice cracked. "Please"

And with that being said, Calum nodded and reluctantly walked out of the kitchen leaving a broken Sabrina to deal with her own grief and emotions.

"It's okay" Sabrina finally said, blinking the thoughts out of her mind. "I get it. I would probably be weird with you being around your ex so much too. Especially if you had a history like I did with Calum"

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