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Sabrina had slept for a total of five hours after she had gotten off the phone with her assistant. The pain wasn't as bad as when she first woke up, but it was still almost unbearable. She figured it would only get worse as the days went on. As she laid in her bed trying to stay as still as possible, she thought about what exactly she was going to do. There was no way she would ever have anything to do with Jake anymore, but he still had a key to her apartment. He could easily enter her house anytime he wanted with or without her knowing, and that scared the living shit out of her. She tried not to think about it much though. The only thing she felt like doing was getting comfortable and going back to sleep, and that's what she planned on doing. Until she heard a knock on the front door.

Her eyes shot wide opened as she slowly pushed herself to sit up. She wasn't sure who was at the door, but at the back of her mind she was paranoid it was Jake. She heard the door handle get messed with a few times, before she heard a key enter the lock. She cursed to herself and grabbed her phone, calling the first person she could think of.

ring ring

She stopped what she was doing and heard the person who entered the house's phone go off. She sat in her bed a few more seconds trying to decide whether or not she should check who it is.


"Oh, thank god" Sabrina sighed in relief as she heard Calum's voice. The relief didn't last for long though. "Fuck"

She pushed herself out of her bed and limped over to her bedroom door, shutting and locking the handle. Calum couldn't see her like this. What would he say? How would he react. She could only imagine the things he would do to Jake when he found out he was the one who caused her so much pain.

"Rina, you alright?" Calum knocked on her bedroom door. "Can you open the door?"

"I'm fine. Super sick though. It may be contagious, so I'll just keep my door shut" Sabrina made up an excuse. Once again, she was having to lie to the people she loved, which she hated.

"No it's fine, we haven't been needed in the studio much anyway. I can afford to get sick" Calum told her. Sabrina mentally slapped herself remembering how persistent Calum was when it came to looking after her.

"I'm okay, really" Sabrina said.

"Rina, it's okay. I can put a mask on if you'd like me to, but please I just want to make sure you're alright. I even brought you a pumpkin spice latte and some banana nut bread" Calum reasoned with her. Sabrina's heart warmed at the gesture Calum had done for her. "Well, the banana nut bread was more for me, but you can have it if you want"

"Just leave it on the kitchen counter, I'll get it when you leave" Sabrina told him.

"Rina, please" Calum pleaded. "Just open the door"

"Cal" She trailed off.

"Sabrina" He said in a stern voice. She sucked in a breath. He only used her full name when he was either angry or being serious. She knew he wasn't angry, but she figured he had bound to be slightly frustrated with her.

"Calum, please don't freak out" She placed her hand on the door knob, waiting for his response. All she needed right now was comfort, but she knew Calum and she knew he would lash out in anger.

"Rina, you're worrying me"

"Just don't get angry, please" She begged of him.

"Okay, I won't. I promise" Calum said. She took a deep breath and slowly opened the door, trying her best to hold in her tears. She was scared of letting anyone see her this way, especially Calum.

"Rina, are you oka-" Calum stopped what he was saying as she stood in front of him. Her left eye was almost swollen shut and purple. There were rings around her wrists, as well as a faint bruise on her neck. "Sabrina, what the fuck"

"Calum, please"

"No, who the fuck did this to you?" Calum set the drink down on the nearest table he could find, and looked at her up and down.


"Sabrina, who the fuck did this to you?" Calum shouted, his voice cracking a bit. Sabrina bit back tears as she watched the man in front of her trying his best to stay calm.

"Jake did it" Sabrina managed to choke out. She looked up from the ground with her arms crossed as Calum's face dropped. He stared at her for a few moments, most likely gathering his thoughts. She could see his chest pump up and down heavily, trying to keep his anger under control for the girl.

"I'm gonna kill him" Calum's anger was visible as he started to turn to walk out of her bedroom.

"Calum, wait!" Sabrina exclaimed. Calum instantly turned back to look at her. Her face was bright red and she was sucking in her lips. He knew that face. It was the face of a girl who was about to completely break down crying. "Please don't go"

"Oh, Rina" Calum mumbled, immediately engulfing the girl in his arms. All she could manage to let out was sob after sob. She hadn't truly felt safe in ages, especially not after last night, but all of that changed as soon as Calum wrapped his arms around her frame. "I'm here, it's okay"

"What do I do" Sabrina sobbed. "What did I do wrong?"

"Hey," Calum snapped, unwrapping his arms. He gently grabbed her face between his hands and looked her in the eyes. "You did absolutely nothing wrong, Sabrina. Remember that. Jake is just an absolute shitty guy who deserves to go to hell."

Sabrina nodded and tried to hold in more of her sobs. Calum shut his eyes and placed his chin on top of hers, embracing the girl into another hug. As the two stood in her bedroom embracing one another, Calum gently rubbed her back while whispering words of comfort. Sabrina never wanted to let go of him.

"Here, babe, let's get you into bed" Calum told her, not realizing he had used the pet name for her. Sabrina had too much swirling in her head for the name to even process through her brain as Calum slowly guided her into bed. "There we go. I'll be right back, I'm gonna go call Ash and get him over here"

"Why are you calling Ashton?" Sabrina frantically asked. Having Calum know about Jake abusing her was already enough as it was, but Ashton knowing too? Shit would definitely hit the fan.

"I'm gonna have him come stay with you while I go and get some food. I doubt you have eaten" Calum said.

"I've eaten" Sabrina muttered. Calum gave her a look, which made her sigh in defeat. "Fine, I lied"

"I know you too well" Calum let out a light laugh, trying to make light of the current situation. He placed a kiss on her forehead and went to walk out of the room, but paused. "Hey, Rina? We can talk when you're ready, but please make sure you tell me everything that happened"

"I will" Sabrina told him, managing to send him a small smile, in which he returned. "Hey, Cal?"


"Please don't leave" Sabrina said. She was scared to be alone as is, but now that Calum was there, she felt finally felt at home. Once he left, she knew that feeling would go away the minute he walked out of the house for good.

"I'm not going anywhere, Rina"

a/n: DOUBLE UPLOAD JUST TO SHOW SOME CALBRINA FLUFF even tho she's in a very bad state of pain as of right now.

what do you think will happen next? questions? comments? concerns?

i love you all!!! - a

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